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DECISION OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />RE: 1126 E Houston St- Variance Requests <br />Tina Ballard <br />OBO: Rosa Rodriguez <br />4025 Oleander <br />Paris, TX 75462 <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />1) 9-102(2) 351SF variance to reduce minimum required lot size of 5000SF to 4,649SF on <br />an existing lot. <br />2) 9-301(2) 8' 9" variance to reduce minimum required lot depth of 100' to 91'3" on an <br />existing lot. <br />3) 10' 11" variance to the 20' minimum required build line indicated on the plat for the <br />existing house built with a 9'1 " build line. <br />« �� of Paris Zoning Board of Adjustment <br />("Board") on 2/7/2023 by a vote of a roved by the Ci nays and,,_ abstaining. <br />q p Y <br />On this date, the Board found that the requests did not meet the conditions set forth in the City of <br />Paris Ordinance, sections mentioned above. <br />Appeal: Any interested person wishing to appeal this Board decision is required to file a petition <br />for Writ of Certiorari in a district court, county court or county court at law within ten (10) days <br />of the date this decision is filed in the Board's office consistent with section 211.011 of the Texas <br />Local Government Code. <br />The Board of Adjustment hereby approves the variance request based upon the following <br />conditions and findings of fact. <br />Conditions <br />1. There shall be no future expansion of the residence structure footprint for which all structure <br />setbacks cannot be met for that portion of the addition. <br />Findings <br />1. The request for variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of site <br />