<br />District .# ,
<br />Cade Chart _d4 #
<br />Project:
<br />"ATE OF "rE
<br />COUNTY OF IL, I i
<br />Ell ll ll;;.:,ID AGRIEEMI1:..:,NT FOR THE TEMPORARY lIUR
<br />THIS AGREEMENT is meads by and between the State of"'rexas, acting by and through the
<br />Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the "State," and -the City of Paris,
<br />murnlcip l corporation, acting by and through its duly authorized officers, Ih r irn r 11 d
<br />the "locall government.,"
<br />I N E S S IET14
<br />WHEREAS, the State owns and operates a system of Nghways for public use and b rn Vit,
<br />including SH19/2 , iii �,; mar, ournty and
<br />11E EA , the local government Ih requested the t mpor ry closure of SIH 19/24 for th
<br />purpose of Steak Wars Festival, on from
<br />N 9:00 AIM Friday, April 7, 2023 to 7:00 IPM Saturday, April 3„ 2023, event April 7- S
<br />0 :00 AIM Friday, Aprill 12, 2024 to 7:00 IPM Saturday, Aprfll 13, 2024, event Aprill 12 -13
<br />a 9:00 AM Friday, Apol 11, 2025 to 7:00 IPM Saturday, Alpril 12, 2025, event Apirill 11-12
<br />0 9:00 AM IPirld y, Alpriill 10, 2025 to 7:00 PM Saturday, April 11„ 2026 event April — 10 rot 1
<br />0 :00 AM Friday, April 9, 2027 to 7:00 IPM Saturday, April 10, 2027 event April — 10
<br />As described in -the attached "Exhibit " hereinafter- id rntifi tlh "Event;" and
<br />WHEREAS, the Event will the located within the local government's incorporated area; and
<br />WHEREAS, the State, in recogriffion of the public purpose of the Event, wish to Cooperate
<br />with -the City so long as -the safety and c nv irnii me of -tine traveling public is ensured and that
<br />the closure of -the State's right of way will Iba performed within the State's requirements; rnd
<br />WHEREAS, , Febru ry 13, 2023, the Paris City Council passed R Ilut o n/ Ordlinance
<br />No, __, attached Thereto and identified as "Exhibit IE," establishing that the
<br />Event serves a public purpose and autlhorizng the laical government to enter intothis
<br />agreement with the State-, and
<br />WHEREAS, 43"'IFA , Section 22.12 establishes the mulles and procedures for the tair porary
<br />closure of a segiment of the State (highway system„ and
<br />WI-1EREAS, this agreement has been developed i n accordance with the rules and
<br />procedures f 43 TAC, Section 22,.12;
<br />WHEREAS, on or about February 14„ 2022, the State andthe (local government entered into
<br />a Multi -Year Agreement -tor Right of -Way Closure for the years .2022-2026; and
<br />TIRE. rRF _T 30 MultiYrAgrmnt Page 1 of 9 02/1312.023
<br />CII.... SUIPE (Ilncorlp rated) Multi -Year
<br />