Professional and Contract Services
<br />Lamar County Detective Investigator/LEO - 100 $0 $22,573 $22,573
<br />Tnnge
<br />Investigator/LEO -
<br />Lamar County Detective 100 $50,714 $0 $50,714
<br />�oM�nhoi
<br />Total Professional and Contract Services 200 $50,714 $22,573 $73,287
<br />Travel
<br />Detective Training In -State $1,000 $0 $1,000
<br />Lamar County Detective Training In -State $1,000 $0 $1,000
<br />Total Travel $2,000 $0 $2,000
<br />Equipment
<br />$0 $0
<br />License Plate Readers $5,000 $0 $5,000
<br />Total Equipment $5,000 $0 $5,000
<br />Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE)
<br />Fuel $2,000 $0 $2,000
<br />Officer Supplies $616 $0 $616
<br />Total Supplies and Direct Operating
<br />Expenses (DOE) U,10 -110$U $2,616
<br />Budget Narrative
<br />A. Personnel
<br />The salary will provide for a City of Paris Detective assigned to the program the ability to devote 100% of his time for the purposes of
<br />investigating motor vehicle thefts , burglary of vehicles, identifying stolen vehicles , and identifying prolific offenders. The detectives will
<br />also be committed to assist other agencies in the program coverage area with the same types of investigations, and help educate the
<br />public on prevention methods.
<br />B. Fringe
<br />The City of Paris will pay the fringe benefits of the detective which will include: 1. Federal Income tax @ 7.65% 2. Social Security tax
<br />@6.2% 3. Health Care $565 month 4. Medicare @1.45% 5. Long term Disability Insurance @0.17% 6. Life Insurance $5.85 month 7
<br />Workers Compensation @ 1.044% 8. Retirement @ 7.15%
<br />C. Overtime
<br />The City of Paris will provide the cost of overtime in the amount of $2,000 to unsure that the program is operational at all times. This
<br />will include time needed to support investigations for auto theft related crimes, and hold public awareness events.
<br />D. Professional and Contract Services
<br />The salary will provide for a Lamar County Sheriffs Detective assigned to the program the ability to devote 100% of his time for the
<br />purposes of investigating motor vehicle thefts, burglary of vehicles, identifying stolen vehicles, and identifying prolific offenders. The
<br />detectives will also be committed to assist other agencies in the program coverage area with the same types of investigations, and
<br />help educate the public on prevention methods. Lamar County Sheriffs Office will pay the fringe benefits of the detective which will
<br />include: 1. Federal Income tax @7.65% 2. Retirement @14.45% 3. Insurance @ $10,000 flat rate 4. Medicare @ 3.43% 5. Workers
<br />Compensation @0.33%
<br />E. Travel
<br />Travel funds will be used to offset the cost of training, tuitions, per diem , and housing for both City of Paris and Lamar County
<br />Detectives.
<br />F. Equipment
<br />Automatic License Plate Readers will be used to help identify and recover stolen motor vehicles by the Task Force. The LPRs will help
<br />the citizens of the State of Texas by increasing the recovery rate of stolen vehicles. These are stationary cameras supplied and leased
<br />by vendor Flock Safety. The lease of the cameras are $2,500 per year for each camera.
<br />G. Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE)
<br />Pct MVCPA
<br />In -Kind
<br />Description
<br />Subcategory
<br />Time Funds
<br />Cash Match
<br />Total Match
<br />Fringe
<br />Detective
<br />Investigator/LEO
<br />$0
<br />$16,000
<br />$16,000
<br />Total Fringe
<br />$0
<br />$16,000
<br />$16,000
<br />Overtime
<br />Detective
<br />Investigator/LEO
<br />$0
<br />$2,000
<br />$2,000
<br />Total Overtime
<br />$0
<br />$2,000
<br />$2,000
<br />Professional and Contract Services
<br />Lamar County Detective Investigator/LEO - 100 $0 $22,573 $22,573
<br />Tnnge
<br />Investigator/LEO -
<br />Lamar County Detective 100 $50,714 $0 $50,714
<br />�oM�nhoi
<br />Total Professional and Contract Services 200 $50,714 $22,573 $73,287
<br />Travel
<br />Detective Training In -State $1,000 $0 $1,000
<br />Lamar County Detective Training In -State $1,000 $0 $1,000
<br />Total Travel $2,000 $0 $2,000
<br />Equipment
<br />$0 $0
<br />License Plate Readers $5,000 $0 $5,000
<br />Total Equipment $5,000 $0 $5,000
<br />Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE)
<br />Fuel $2,000 $0 $2,000
<br />Officer Supplies $616 $0 $616
<br />Total Supplies and Direct Operating
<br />Expenses (DOE) U,10 -110$U $2,616
<br />Budget Narrative
<br />A. Personnel
<br />The salary will provide for a City of Paris Detective assigned to the program the ability to devote 100% of his time for the purposes of
<br />investigating motor vehicle thefts , burglary of vehicles, identifying stolen vehicles , and identifying prolific offenders. The detectives will
<br />also be committed to assist other agencies in the program coverage area with the same types of investigations, and help educate the
<br />public on prevention methods.
<br />B. Fringe
<br />The City of Paris will pay the fringe benefits of the detective which will include: 1. Federal Income tax @ 7.65% 2. Social Security tax
<br />@6.2% 3. Health Care $565 month 4. Medicare @1.45% 5. Long term Disability Insurance @0.17% 6. Life Insurance $5.85 month 7
<br />Workers Compensation @ 1.044% 8. Retirement @ 7.15%
<br />C. Overtime
<br />The City of Paris will provide the cost of overtime in the amount of $2,000 to unsure that the program is operational at all times. This
<br />will include time needed to support investigations for auto theft related crimes, and hold public awareness events.
<br />D. Professional and Contract Services
<br />The salary will provide for a Lamar County Sheriffs Detective assigned to the program the ability to devote 100% of his time for the
<br />purposes of investigating motor vehicle thefts, burglary of vehicles, identifying stolen vehicles, and identifying prolific offenders. The
<br />detectives will also be committed to assist other agencies in the program coverage area with the same types of investigations, and
<br />help educate the public on prevention methods. Lamar County Sheriffs Office will pay the fringe benefits of the detective which will
<br />include: 1. Federal Income tax @7.65% 2. Retirement @14.45% 3. Insurance @ $10,000 flat rate 4. Medicare @ 3.43% 5. Workers
<br />Compensation @0.33%
<br />E. Travel
<br />Travel funds will be used to offset the cost of training, tuitions, per diem , and housing for both City of Paris and Lamar County
<br />Detectives.
<br />F. Equipment
<br />Automatic License Plate Readers will be used to help identify and recover stolen motor vehicles by the Task Force. The LPRs will help
<br />the citizens of the State of Texas by increasing the recovery rate of stolen vehicles. These are stationary cameras supplied and leased
<br />by vendor Flock Safety. The lease of the cameras are $2,500 per year for each camera.
<br />G. Supplies and Direct Operating Expenses (DOE)
<br />