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* Hangar Waiting List / Hangar Lease Policy Vacancy Period <br />Mr. Strahan talked about grace period given in the waiting list policy and wanted the Airport <br />Advisory Board to discuss possibly reducing the 180 -day grace period. The matter was discussed <br />and agreed upon the grace period would be reduced to 90 days. <br />* Airport Funding Update <br />Mr. Strahan explained the infrastructure money more in depth, the airport will receive $295K for <br />5 consecutive years. TXDOT did update the airports on how the funds could now be used. <br />f lowever, after talking with the TXDOT airport planner about a taxi -lane extension and receiving <br />a rough estimate of $800K - I mi Ilion dollars using federal funds, it would take some time for the <br />airport to save up enough money using infrastructure money to accomplish this project. Doing the <br />same project with private funds (city funds) would reduce the total cost down to around $300K. <br />The airport was also in conversation about a rough estimate for a complete upgrade to the fuel <br />farm. TXDOT discussed the cost of doing so with federal funds, the upgrade would be around 1.5 <br />million dollars. Again, using federal funds it would take some time for the airport to save up for <br />the upgrade to the fuel farm. Doing the same project with private funds (city funding) would reduce <br />the cost to around $600K. By doing the projects with private funds, the overall projects are less <br />expensive. <br />A final dollar amount was given on the RAMP grant for fiscal year 2022, the city was reimbursed <br />half of what the city spent on RAMP from TXDOT. <br />* Fuel Farm Equipment Upgrade <br />Mr. Strahan stated the airport was able to update the credit card processor unit and the hose reel <br />for the 10011 self — serve pump. The hose reel was around 19 years old, an age for the credit card <br />processor unit was not given but was known to be old and an updated unit was needed. <br />* Runway Meeting Project Date <br />Mr. Strahan stated a zoom meeting with "r DOT was set for December 1, 2022, the upcoming <br />runway project would be discussed. Out of this meeting a start date, end date, and scope of the <br />work was expected. The airport needs this project to start and complete in FY' 2023 due to <br />budgetary matters. By having this project start and complete in FY 2023, the airport can begin <br />banking Non -­ Priority Entitlements (IPE) Funds for the next airport project. <br />5. Next Airport Advisory Meeting <br />Mr. Strahan announced the next Airport Advisory Board Meeting would be February 16, 2023. <br />6. Adjournment <br />Meeting adjourned at 6:02PM <br />Approved thisI 1W �aL day of February 2023. <br />PCJ <br />Paul Strahan, Airport Manager <br />