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HOUSING AUTHORITY OF "THE CITY OF PARIS <br />REGULAJ? W!"2377NG <br />BOARD OF C.'OMMISSIONY.RS MEEirING. <br />650 ?" Street SW -1.00 G.EoR.(',�E'WRIGH"I'l-l'.OMI;'JlkS' <br />MIN11117,25(91 Januag 17,, 202 <br />Pre,sent at the Meeting: <br />FK Haynes (,'hainnan of thea Board ol"Commissioners (Via telephone) <br />JennyWilson \7 ice Chairman of the Board olf'Com rn i ssioners <br />Beverly Johnson - Coniniissk,)ner ofthe Board ofConnnissioners <br />Steve Smith .. Corrinfissionex ofthe Board of Commissioners <br />Sally Ruthart . 1"I"xiecutive Dircctor <br />L Meeting Called to order at 12:27 prn on'Tuesday,,January 17:, 2023,'by Vice C'hairman ofthe <br />Board (if Comanissioners, Ms. Jenny Wilson. <br />2, FjsN'jjjg foUr Boarl"(i Mtnjj)ers present, a quorum, Nis, Wilson thanked and welcoined everyone <br />to die, aneeting. <br />3. Citizens' Forum Opened and closed with no one present to speak. <br />4, Aplj!)roval ofthe Minutes ftom Novenibeir 15, 2022, meefing. Minutes rt the i-neeting were <br />approved with a niotion, made by N11% Smith, and seconded by Ms. Johnson, Passed.4-0, <br />S. I INFTNIS14ED BUS131,4ESS. No unfinished business. <br />6. NEW BUSINE ' SS: <br />A, Mr,, Mushart)llrsh was not able, to be presient at the meeting, is, Wilson wanted U) proceed and <br />take a vote on the proposal made by Basel, PLLC.. Motion was inade by Ms -Johnson to accept <br />thtt proposal and sillconded by Mr, Smith. Motion passed 4-0. <br />13" 1 �, Va,(,arncies, Wailing lists, and denviogyajAfics were given u) thie Board of Cornrnissionerr& <br />Seci , ion 8, � 296 with 6 out looking for housing. Public Housing - 8 vacancemovragn <br />is with 3 ii <br />this week' <br />2. Bank statemems:1, I)arlaylea sheels andi graphs I.brTqovembei, & Deceinber 2022 Wole gjVmffl tr() flie <br />Board. Bank staft,3,nents with ending balances for 12/3112022 PIP=$326,864.81 Sec, 8 <br />.$544,762,61 a Ms. Ruthatf, advised the Board con fCornimissioners d.iat, a CD was cashed in due to <br />the lack of'rent piyirnerkls. Accounts rt-ceivable balancenears $80,682.55 effixtive 11130/2,022A.1i'le <br />Board was advised that Section 8 was fintiried at 100% for January 2023. PHA will Pena" funded at <br />89.5% for the rest (vf the calendar year, <br />3, Boardwas advised that the Auditor was currently at the PHA performing the on-site pan ofthe <br />audit which is due 3/3 W023 ft)r HE 6130/2022, <br />Board was advised that. the invitation for bids for ffie Exterior pram roti nip of BTW was conipleted <br />aiad the bids will be opexied on, 17ebwaq 6, 2023. <br />5, Bowd wasadvised that tire invitation 1br Ibids fi.�)r the Meltal 13,00fing of B'I'W was complefed <br />and the bids will be opuned on F'cbruary 6, 2021, <br />6. Ms. Rut harl advised the Board 11ral. since the PHA scored a 90 on our REAC inspection in <br />Augusi 2022, 11at we probtibly would nol have another inspection until 2025. <br />T The Board was g,iven as fist of the Capital 1"unds, lefi, in the current CFF's of 2020, 2021, dild <br />2022, Ili e Board was also advised that the Tnoifies in the UP could be moviod ar(�njndaccording <br />to the needand costs of diflierent prqjects <br />