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The City of Paris is working to combine and mesh these two sets of rules into a single <br />Development Code to be known as the Paris Development Code (PDC). <br />Updating the land use regulations in this way will help the City of Paris implement all S <br />points set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan Purpose Section. <br />Specifically the plan sets forth the following to ensure strategic goals can be attained: <br />• Paris' existing Zoning Ordinance was initially adopted in 1945, and it has been <br />amended many times. <br />• There are new types of land use not addressed by the current ordinance. <br />• The ordinance is difficult for infrequent users to understand. <br />• It can be improved by adding clear charts, tables and illustrations. <br />• Updates are needed to address the mixed use properties and other new ideas proposed <br />in the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />The existing Subdivision Ordinance was adopted in 1974, and it has been amended many <br />times since adoption. <br />The current Subdivision Ordinance's processes must be updated to reflect current state law. <br />It contains sections that could be better aligned with the Zoning Ordinance. A Unified <br />Development Code or the PDC will: <br />• Share a common definition section. <br />• Combine issues, such as landscaping and setback discussions, into a single set of rules. <br />• Place all related regulations into a single ordinance, eliminating duplication of <br />resources while making it clear and easier to find all in one organized set of <br />regulations. <br />Purpose and Goals <br />The purpose of this PDC is to unify the City's development regulations into a single <br />document and to reduce repetition and conflict among various ordinances. Additionally, the <br />PDC will be intended to implement the City of Paris Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Plans, <br />Water and Wastewater plans and any other City adopted plans. The PDC will consolidate <br />the regulations pertaining to land use and development and make the City's regulations and <br />requirements more convenient to access, use, distribute, and read. <br />Purpose of Engineering Standard Details (ESD) is to provide Developers, Engineers and <br />Architects the option to have pre -approved detail standards for their construction projects to <br />expedite the review process, provide minimum standards and have uniformity in the design <br />and construction of developments within the City of Paris. It will also save cost to developers <br />by standardizing certain types of construction thereby no longer requiring the same to be <br />designed every time by the developer or general contractor's engineer. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />