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Years in Rank --Tiers Bi -Weekly Seniority Pay <br />Tier 1: 2-3 years in rank $49.01 <br />Tier 2: 4-5 years in rank $98.03 <br />Tier 3: 6-7 years in rank $147.04 <br />Tier 4: 8-9 years in rank $196.05 <br />Tier 5: 10-11 years in rank $245.06 <br />Tier 6: 12-13 years in rank $294.08 <br />Tier 7: 14+ years in rank $343.09 <br />(a) Members of the city fiFe depar-tinent below the r-ank of chief shall be entiged <br />to Feceive senior-ity payj based on their- r-ank and years of sefvice in that lza <br />with the city fire depaFtment. The senior-" pay will be in addition to each <br />AFe fighter's base pay as follows� <br />" <br />(b) All city fife department eivil seFvic:e employees of the Fank of fire fighter- shallr-eeeive seniorz" pay in addition to theip base pay calculated on thetiF years of <br />ser-viee with the city fiFe department at the fire fighter- r-ank, as follows: <br />" <br />(1) FiFe fighteFs with two (2) year- of seFvic;e and less than fouF (4) years ofser-viee Sixteen dollars and sixty sim cents ($16.66) peF pay <br />" <br />(2) Fire fighters with four- (4) years of service and less than six (6) years ofseFvice Thirty three dollaFs and thiFty two cents ($33.32) per- pay <br />" <br />(3) Fife fighters with six (6) years Ew more of service and less than eight (8)years of seMce For-ty nine dollaFs and ninety seven cents ($49.974 <br />* (4) Fire fightefs with eight (8) years or- morze of service and less than ten <br />(10) yeaFs of seMee Sixty six dollars and sixty three cents <br />" <br />(5) Fire fighters with ten (10) years or- maFe of serwice and less thantwelve (12) years of seFviee Eighty three dollars an 29 cents <br />" <br />(6) Firze fighters Nvith twelve (12) years or- Fnor-e A -f Serviee -and less thanfour-teen (14) years of service Ninety nine dollars and ninety five <br />cents ($99.95) per pay peFied. <br />" <br />