known as LCAD parcel 16165, same being 50 feet from and perpendicular to the .�IfVQ of
<br />CITY OF PARIS BLOCK 154-A LOT 1214, also known as LCAD parcel 1•6441 , ,94, alsa
<br />being a poini: A):r the most 74(�)ie ly :N-NVG-o1'9u1)Zone 55 herein described, to a point for a
<br />corner;
<br />Thence Southerly, approximately 50 feet, crossing the right of way of West Washington
<br />Street, to the NWC of said CB 154-A, Lot [ 1. 4, and continuing along the Ea4We. l boundary
<br />line of said CB 154-A, Lot .1214, same being the West E, a.s:n;...right of way line of the Union Pacific
<br />�9 , feet, passing the 9:11C, 19 " of said Lot 14, and continuing
<br />railroad approximately � ,,� „� ,,...:;I
<br />along private property lines and the i1 Il:, n right of way line of the Union Pacific railroad,
<br />approximately .i...m.501��� miles, to the intersection with the Northeast right of way of SW Loop
<br />6 same being the most
<br />Swccorunuim of CITY OF PARIS, BLOCK 314136,
<br />LOT PT tai
<br />37::95A 1 6
<br />,1AII i,' �s"rII,1
<br />S I AQ'i ,.1 � S 16, ,06, also known as LCAD parcel 7 n 7 ;��. ,4 , to a point for a corner;
<br />Thence Southeasterly, approximately 24371&18'01 feet, following the Northeast right of
<br />way of SW Loop 286, and continuing, approximately .... t,3 9feet, along the Northwest right
<br />of way of SE Loop 286, to the intersection with the + West right of way of 3rd Street SE, a
<br />distance of 8365014" Zfeet, to a point for a corner;
<br />Thence Northerly, approximately 256402,522 feet, following the right of way
<br />of Yd Street SE, to the beginning of a curve to the left, and departing said curve in a projected
<br />me, approximately "..... feet, to a intersection with the 7Z asght of way line of
<br />„ri
<br />South Church Street, and continuing, approximately 4. 2,5B,1!! feet, along the Twp „ ,t„m right
<br />of way of said South Church Street to the intersection with the North right of way line of Neagle
<br />Street; a distance of approximately&� 1001291, feet, to a point for a corner;
<br />Thence Westerly, approximately 1;7 1( � , 7'07, feet, along the NeHih Sot!di..right of way of
<br />Neagle Street to the intersection with the West right of way line of 4d' Street SE, to a point for a
<br />corner;
<br />Thence Northerly, approximately 2;0002::,047 feet, to the intersection with the South right
<br />of way line of Frisco Street, to a point for a corner;
<br />u
<br />Thence Northerly, approximately 1,228 feet, to the intersection with the North right of
<br />way of West Washington Street and the Point of Beginning for Sub Zone 5: South Industrial
<br />Area and containing 847 acres more or less; Save & Except the following described tracts:
<br />