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Regular Council Meeting <br />February 27, 2023 <br />Page 14 <br />Lyn Lantrip of Solid Waste Specialists (SWS), a company who provides RFP services. Mr. Path <br />said the City Council asked that a contract be brought back with SWS to help the City with RFP <br />services for possibly outsourcing this service and referenced the contract before them. He said it <br />included residential and commercial as recommended by Mr. Lantrip. Mr. Path explained if they <br />hired SWS, this would be a six to ten month process, which included data collection and a RFP <br />kick-off workshop. If Council decides to proceed with moving forward, Mr. Path recommended <br />two or three council members participate in the kick-off at which time they would decide if they <br />wanted one or more pick-ups a week and the types of trash containers. Mr. Path explained once <br />the Committee made the decisions, they would provide information to Mr. Lantrip so that he <br />could develop the contract and RFP. He said Council would review it prior to issuing the RFP to <br />make sure it is what they wanted to include. Mr. Path said the next step would be to issue RFPs, <br />receive them, and do a presentation to Council. <br />Mr. Path said one of the items discussed was if they decide to proceed with commercial <br />was how to address that with the current vendor. He said there were several ways to do that and <br />one was a good lengthy notice. He said they had asked at the last meeting at what point they <br />could stop the process and Mr. Path explained they could do so even up to the point of reviewing <br />bids. He said his best advice was provide a good faith process so if they sent out bids they <br />should only reject bids for not hitting the amount of points or too high in price. He also said if <br />Council had any concern about outsourcing sanitation, they should table the item tonight. He <br />said if Council still wants to proceed, the contract was ready to go and that the contract states <br />that if the City awards a bid the winning company would reimburse the City for consultation <br />services in the amount of $39,940.00. <br />Mr. Path said if the City outsources the sanitation department, the City's revenue and <br />expense for that department would cease. Mr. Path explained it was in the contract to address <br />the City employees, giving them the option to go with the contractor or they could stay with the <br />City by transferring to a different job. Mr. Path said the City had not increased rates in ten plus <br />years and was getting ready to transfer $210,000.00 to the General Fund to support maintenance <br />of trash trucks. Mr. Path said they were looking at franchise fees for use of the roadways but did <br />not have details at the current time. He said the options tonight were to approve an agreement <br />with Solid Waste Specialists for consultation services in the preparation, issuing, and reviewing <br />of request for proposals for outsourcing the City's solid waste sanitation service, reject the <br />agreement and /or request additional information and table the item to consider this project <br />further a future time. Mr. Path encouraged City Council if they moved forward with the contract, <br />that they exercise good faith when accepting bids. <br />Council Member Pankaj questioned if commercial would end up subsidizing residential if <br />they did both. He inquired if it was possible to just look at residential. Council Member Pilgrim <br />said when Mr. Lantrip presented to them, he point blank said if they did only residential they <br />would only get one bid and that would be from the local company because there was no money <br />in transporting. Council Member Pilgrim said commercial was the higher margin. He also said a <br />private company was going to buy new equipment every five years where they City might <br />replace theirs every ten years. Council Member Pilgrim said the committee would go through <br />everything, such as dumpster and trash cans, and make a recommendation to the City Council. <br />He also said the City allows 40 -hour work weeks and private companies may work fifty-five <br />