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TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with aanLil <br />grantee(s), his heirs and assigns forever, the aforesaid prernises or appurtenances, or any part <br />thereof, as fully and absolute as 1, REGINALD B. HUGHES, as XIAYOR PRO -TEM <br />aforesaid, can convey; <br /># <br />CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN IS NLAME "AS IS" and <br />Grantors make no warranty or representation as to the title, condition, suitability for any <br />use, property description, property size or dimension, or location of the property. No <br />survey of the property has been conducted by the taxing units prior to sale: some of <br />property descriptions come from the tax maps of the City of Paris and the Lamar County <br />Appraisal Districts rather than from recorded plat maps. It is the responsibility of the <br />Grantee(s) to determine what rights, if any, have been conveyed by the Grantors to the <br />Grantce(s) by this instrument. <br />This conveyance is also made expressly subject to any existing right of redemption <br />remaining to the former owner(s) of the property under the provisions of law and also <br />subject to any recorded restrictive covenants running with the land, and valid easements of <br />record as of the date of this sale. Ownership of any single Property conveyed by this deed <br />shall revert to the City of Paris, at its sole option without compensation to the Grantee, <br />should any of the following events occur during the period in which the Grantee has an <br />ownership interest in the Property and during the term of the '5 in 51 Program agreement <br />between the City of Paris and Grantee or Grantee's successors (said agreement is hereby <br />incorporated into this deed by reference as if written word-for-word herein): (1) failure to <br />maintain the property as required by law, evidenced by any affidavit of violation being <br />Wl-MWITIII T M, <br />reverter and _U0 Dusmess days to cure (the first day-s-h­affb-e-tffe---da­ "ehe notice is presented <br />to Grantee if hand delivered to the Grantee, otherwise the second business day after the <br />notice is turned over to the United States Postal Service or other delivery service for <br />delivery to the Grantee). <br />