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2023-019 - Economic Development Agreement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Paris Lamar County Habitat for 5 In 5 Housing Infill Development Program
City Clerk
2023-019 - Economic Development Agreement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Paris Lamar County Habitat for 5 In 5 Housing Infill Development Program
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4/18/2023 9:07:01 AM
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4/12/2023 4:03:40 PM
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MW <br />policy. For tax foreclosed properties, all taxing jurisdictions shall be required to sign off on the <br />low cost land sale according to the provisions of State Law prior to transfer of the property to the <br />applicant. <br />Minimum investment— To be eligible for residential tax abatement, an Applicant must construct <br />a new structure or structures on the property parcel(s) identified in an Agreement between the <br />applicant and the City. <br />Incentives <br />Low Cost Sale of Foreclosed Properties — As part of their agreement, an applicant may choose to <br />purchase eligible properties that are in a state of tax foreclosure. These properties are strictly first <br />come, first serve and the City makes no warranty on having available properties for this incentive. <br />The City will work with the Lamar County, Paris Independent School District, and Paris Junior <br />College to seek a low cost sale of the foreclosed property, but the City can only guarantee a low <br />cost of its share. <br />Tax Abatement - An Applicant who has satisfied all the criteria and guidelines for the low cost <br />property sale and residential tax abatement as set out herein, will be eligible for a 100% five (5) <br />year tax abatement on each parcel on which a dwelling unit or units are constructed and completed. <br />The abatement will become effective on January 1I of the year following issuance of a Certificate <br />of Completion following final construction inspection. As provided in the Act, a tax abatement <br />may only be granted for the value of the Residential Improvements which exceed the base year <br />value of the property and which are listed in an Agreement between the City of Paris and the <br />applicant, subject to such limitations as the City of Paris may require. The base value will be set <br />as of January I' of the year in which the Agreement is executed. Upon completion of construction, <br />the Applicant shall provide a copy of all material and fixture purchase invoices to prove that those <br />materials and fixtures were purchased locally within the City of Paris when possible. The tax <br />abatement is available only for improvements made after the execution of the Agreement. <br />The Agreement may not be approved by the City Council until at least thirty (30) days after <br />notice of the consideration and possible action on the Agreement has been posted. <br />Reduced Fees for Building Plan Review and Pennittiti,,—The Applicant will be entitled to reduced <br />rates for building plan review and permit fees on a cumulative basis for all new dwelling units <br />under agreement with the City according to the following schedule: <br />Total Dwelling Units Plan Review Fee Discount Building Permit Fee Discount <br />5-9 100% 50% <br />10-19 100% 75% <br />20+ 100% 100% <br />Reduced Fees wwfor _Water & Sewer Tail Labor —The Applicant will be entitled to reduced rates for <br />water and sewer tap labor fees, where required by the Public Works Department, on a cumulative <br />basis for all new dwelling units under agreement with the City according to the following schedule: <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />
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