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670 <br /> <br /> Minutes of PEDC Regular Meeting <br /> August 22, 2001 <br /> Page 6 <br /> <br />cleanup if there are going to be marketable buildings. He advised that one of the <br />bills that went through the legislature this session provided for economic <br />development corporations to do cleanup of contaminated industrial properties. <br />City Attorney Schenk discussed the issue of the City of Paris being able to assist <br />in this matter. <br /> <br />Director Guest questioned the status of the Exide Corporation. City Attorney <br />Schenk advised that he did not get a response from his letter and wanted to <br />make some type of informal contact with them before they proceed with legal <br />action. <br /> <br />President Rhodes questioned the status of the property on the loop in the <br />squatter situation. Mr. Vest said they have appealed it again and it is pending <br />before the Texas Supreme Court according to attorney Ed Ellis. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest advised that they have been talking with Bobby Walters and some of <br />his people that are involved with the jewelry school at Paris Junior College. Mr. <br />Vest said Todd Thompson, who works in economic development at TXU in <br />Dallas, had talked to Eric about attracting jewelry manufacturers. He, said they <br />started having discussions and meetings with Mr. Walters and his staff. Mr. <br />Vest said one of the things that came of this is a letter from Clay Minton with <br />a proposal, which is for a watch repair facility. Mr. Vest said there is a great <br />demand for watch repair. Mr. Vest advised that when Mr. Minton started <br />talking about this with people in the watch repair industry around the country, <br />they went crazy about it, so we have already had offers to provide worktables <br />and parts if we would accept the contracts to work on their watches. Mr. Vest <br />said his feeling regarding this matter is there could be a tremendous demand and <br />this could be a very significant employer in our community. Mr. Vest pointed <br />out that this could help Paris Junior College because of the students they could <br />utilize, and graduates that could work in this industry. Mr. Vest explained that <br />what it is going to take is a creation of a private company, and to create that <br /> <br /> 6 <br /> <br /> <br />