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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 10, 2023 <br />Page 5 <br />Planning Director Andrew Mack said at the City Council's meeting of May 23, 2022, <br />they approved a tax abatement agreement with Habitat for Humanity for the property located at <br />743 E. Polk. He explained it was the intent of Habitat at that time for the approval of the first of <br />five lots for construction of a new home in their 2022 build under the new 5 In 5 Program. He <br />said at that time the process for obtaining approval of the tax deeds for the other three lots <br />including one lot being divided into two lots were not ready to go. Mr. Mack said they were now <br />prepared to bring forward the full 5 In 5 Agreement for the remaining dwelling units. <br />16. Discuss and act on a Professional Services Agreement with Catalyst Commercial, Inc., in <br />the amount of $9,630.00, to be split with the Paris Economic Development Corporation, <br />for a Phase I of a Housing Study; and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary <br />documents. <br />Assistant City Manager Robert Vine said as part of the FY22/23 budget, the City Council <br />set aside funds towards performing a Housing Study. He explained the Housing Study was a <br />tool intended to examine the community's housing needs and make recommendations to impact <br />city policy. Mr. Vine said in consultation with working with Mayor Portugal and PEDC, it was <br />determined that Freese and Nichols was a qualified and well experienced frim fully capable of <br />performing a Housing Study for the City. Mr. Vine reported that Freese and Nichols <br />recommended that a contract be pursued with their subsidiary, Catalyst Commercial, Inc. to <br />perform Phase I for this project. He reported that City Manager Grayson Path reached out to the <br />Philip and Sally Cecil Foundation who are going to pay one-third of the funds for Phase I, that <br />PEDC was going to pay one-third of the funds for Phase I, and the City would pay one-third of <br />the funds for this Phase I. Mayor Portugal confirmed with Mr. Vine that the total cost of Phase I <br />was $9,630.00. Council Member Knox confirmed with Mr. Vine that Phase I should be <br />complete in three months and inquired about the rest of the project. Mr. Vine said he did not <br />have that information but that it was his understanding it would be less than a year. <br />17. Convene into executive session pursuant to: <br />A. Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code, to deliberate the purchase, <br />exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would <br />have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations <br />with a third person. <br />B. Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, to deliberate the appointment, <br />employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public <br />officer or employee as follows: City Manager. <br />Mayor Portugal convened City Council into executive session at 7:16 p.m. <br />18. Reconvene into open session and possibly take action on those matters discussed in <br />executive session. <br />