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05 - City Council Minutes
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05 - City Council Minutes
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Regular Council Meeting <br />March 27, 2023 <br />Page 3 <br />Regular A genda <br />18. Receive notification of removal of Dewayne Dangerfield from the Housing Authority <br />Board and appointment of Derrick Hill to fill the unexpired term. <br />Mayor Portugal said the Housing Authority Director Sally Ruthart reported Dewayne <br />Dangerfield had consecutively missed six out of six meetings and that at the Board's last meeting <br />they voted that Mr. Dangerfield be removed from the Board. She also said City Council Policies <br />require attendance at 75% of the meetings, and that she had removed Dewayne Dangerfield from <br />the board. Mayor Portugal said board members for this particular board were appointed by the <br />Mayor, and that she was appointing Derrick Hill to fill the vacant position of the resident <br />member. <br />19. Receive presentation regarding a Priority Policy regarding Building & Standards <br />Commission City -Wide Demolition Orders. <br />City Planner Andrew Mack said that at the City Council meeting of October 24, 2022, <br />they discussed prioritization of structure demolitions that had been placed on the list of BSC <br />Orders. He explained that since that time, staff had developed an approach addressing the list <br />and better organizing the work effort both in terms ofmapping and prioritizing the list. He also <br />said there was a concerted effort to expand the capacity in-house to increase the annual numbers <br />for demolitions with new equipment to do the work. Mr. Mack said the current list included <br />approximately 103 residences and since late October nine houses had been demolished. He also <br />said that staff anticipates numbers to increase once they were behind spring and wet conditions. <br />He referenced the list of condemned properties and stated BSC Orders for demolition had the <br />highest priority, next were burned structures destroyed by fire, structures along major traveled <br />roadways, in a block with approved 5 -In -5 Agreements and if a structure was structurally <br />dangerous for collapsing on adjoining properties. Mr. Mack said the goal for demolition this <br />year was 50 houses, which included the contractor and in-house team. <br />Assistant City Manager Robert Vine briefly spoke about the deconstruction program <br />whereby contractors would repurpose items such as bricks and wood. Mayor Portugal said that <br />was a great idea. Council Member Pankaj said the map and list were great but asked that staff <br />provide the list by district. <br />20. Discuss a Residential Landscape Ordinance, and provide direction to staff. <br />Mayor Portugal said at their City Council meeting of February 27, 2023, they heard from <br />a number of citizens regarding trees being cut down, no grass planted, soil erosions, drainage <br />issues, and lack of landscaping required for new development. She also said she would like for <br />City Council to discuss and consider of an ordinance address residential landscaping. Mayor <br />Portugal depicted photographs of a duplex located at 301 N.E. 17a', and said the dirt was washing <br />out of the yard into the street. Council Member Pankaj said from commercial to residential, he <br />was concerned about what he had seen. Mr. Mack said for multi -family or an apartment, they <br />were required to put in landscaping. He also said staff wanted to add to the CO process that they <br />not be issued until landscaping is completed and inspected. Mr. Mack said the new city engineer <br />
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