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06 - Board Minutes
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Building and Standards Meeting <br />February 20, 2023 <br />Page 3 <br />Robert Talley stated that the structure is unsecure, porch is falling in, missing and <br />deteriorated wood, house is leaning toward the street, foundation damage, sinking <br />into ground, add-on porch is falling, and the floor missing inside. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: Declare a nuisance, demo within 30 days, or city has <br />right to do so. Declare the junk and rubbish a nuisance, remove within 30 days, or city has <br />right to do so. <br />Motion made by Richard Thompson, seconded by Adam Bolton, to follow staff <br />recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. 4-0 <br />e. 1418 W Shiloh; Colonial Addition Block 7, Lot 24 &'/z of 25 <br />Maria L Gallegos, 400 CR 43850, Paris, TX 75462 <br />Robert Talley (Code Enforcement), James Hooten (Community Development), and <br />Cade Oats (Fire Department) have visited this property and talked to the man living <br />in the shed/car. <br />Robert Talley said the slab has caught on fire 3 times, the shed has caught on fire 2 <br />times and a car has caught on fire. There was a man living in the shed, a box the <br />size of a dog house, and he lived in the car at one time. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: Declare a nuisance, demo shed within 30 days, or city <br />has right to do so. Declare the junk and rubbish a nuisance, remove within 30 days, or city <br />has right to do so. Declare the burned vehicle a nuisance, remove within 30 days, or city <br />has right to do so. <br />Motion made by Mike Folmar, seconded by Adam Bolton, to table this until all <br />members are present. Motion carried unanimously. 4-0 <br />4. Discuss and act on electing Chairman, Vice -Chairman, and Secretary. <br />Motion made by Richard Thompson, seconded by Adam Bolton, to follow staff <br />recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. 4-0 <br />5, Code Enforcement Update: Discuss Deconstruction Program and Prioritizing Demolition <br />Robert Talley gave each of the Commission members a copy of the Program Summary and <br />Guidelines. <br />Discussion — A lot of positive remarks about the program and the effort of putting the <br />program together. Several companies have been contacted to participate in the program. <br />3 houses have been picked for the first attempt to get the program going. Taking bids and <br />going with the bid that removes the most from the structure. After the bidding company <br />
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