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S'T IE X A 5 <br />r ' yud'E wI..d1PMi N't' *:'.N:" nPOPA t'"ON <br />Welcome and Opening Remarks <br />Mr. Bray opened by congratulating newly elected Mayor Reginald Hughes. He continued by thanking former <br />Mayor Paula Portugal and former Councilwoman Linda Knox for all the support they have provided not only to <br />the community but to the PEDC over the years. <br />On behalf of the PEDC, Ms. Hammond presented former Mayor Paula Portugal and former Councilwoman Linda <br />Knox awards as a token of appreciation for their unwavering support and invaluable contributions to the PEDC <br />during their terms. <br />Citizens' Input <br />Chairman Bray invited those present to speak during the Citizens' Input. <br />No one came forward and the Citizens' Input was closed. <br />Discuss and Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 18, 2023 <br />Mr. Bray presented April 18, 2023, meeting minutes for review and discussion. <br />Dr. Hashmi made a motion to approve the April 18, 2023, minutes. Mr. Homer seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Discuss and Consider Approval of the April 2023 Financial Statements <br />Secretary/Treasurer Chase Coleman presented financial reports ending April 30, 2023. Mr. Coleman reported <br />total revenue of $1,298,506 dollars for the seven months ending in April, which is an increase of about 21% <br />over where we were this time last year. He continued by stating sales tax is 11% higher for April compared to <br />this time last year. <br />Dr. Hashmi briefly provided commentary by stating that the PEDC overheads are very low, which is fantastic. <br />Mr. Bray asked the board if there were any additional questions or comments regarding the finances as <br />presented. No additional questions/comments followed. <br />Mr. Fendley moved to approve the April 2023 financial reports. Dr. Hashmi seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Discuss and Consider Action to Establish a New Bank Account for the Management of EDA Grant Funds <br />Ms. Hammond briefly recapped that on April 4, 2023, the PEDC was awarded $1.3 million in federal funding <br />from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to support infrastructure improvements in the PEDC- <br />owned Northwest Industrial Park. She went on to note that progress is being made with getting the <br />administrative side set up in accordance with EDA regulations. <br />Ms. Hammond continued by stating that EDA regulations require grant recipients to have a noninterest - <br />bearing account for the grant funds to be deposited. The current PEDC account with Liberty Bank is an <br />interest-bearing account. <br />