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BUDGET: <br />This software upgrade is not in the current budget. However, we are trying to take advantage of an <br />opening in Open Gov's implementation schedule to make this upgrade. Given our current server's <br />degrading condition, and the fact that the transition to the new software will take six to nine <br />months, we feel that the implementation should be done as soon as possible. We believe that we <br />will have surplus general fund revenue this year to cover the cost of this project by amending the <br />City's current budget. The City plans to go through Buy Board, one of the state wide purchasing <br />cooperatives, to obtain the software. Buy Board has met all of the State's legal requirements for <br />competitive bidding. We believe the price represents the best possible deal for the City. The <br />software package has annual lease cost of $80,125, which will be added annually to the budget, <br />and the implementation cost is $174,150 will be a one-time upfront expense. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />There are two possible options: <br />1. Authorize the City Manager and Finance Director to pursue the buy board competitive <br />bidding price with OpenGov in the above stated amounts and proceed with the project as <br />described in this memo. <br />2. Request additional information regarding this issue and/or reject the buy board price, <br />directing city staff to alternative solutions. <br />City Staff recommends option 1 to address its current situation. <br />