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TEXAS <br />Welcome and Opening Remarks <br />Mr. Bray opened by expressing appreciation to those that were able to attend the recent LionsHead <br />Groundbreaking event. He also recognized Ms. Hammond and staff for organizing the event. <br />Citizens' Input <br />Chairman Bray invited those present to speak during the Citizens' Input. No one came forward and the Citizens' <br />Input was closed. <br />Discuss and -Consider Ada rovalw of the Minutes of the Regular MeetipA held Ma 1y 2023 <br />Mr. Bray presented May 16, 2023, meeting minutes for review and discussion. Mr. Fendley made a motion to <br />approve the May 16, 2023, minutes. Mr. Terrell seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 6 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Discuss and Consider Approval of the 2021-2022 Audit Report as Presented by Brittany Martin of <br />McClanahan and Holmes <br />Ms. Martin presented the 2021-2022 audit report to the Board. As of September 30, 2022, total assets came <br />to $9.3 million. The total liabilities amounted to $2.5 million with a reported total net position of $6.78 <br />million. Ms. Martin concluded her report by reviewing incentive commitments. <br />Chairman Bray opened the floor for questions and discussion. No additional questions/comments followed. <br />Mr. Roddy moved to accept the 2021-2022 audit report as presented. Mr. Coleman seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 6 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Update and Discussion on 2023-2024 DraftPEDC Bud et Funds <br />Ms. Hammond provided an overview of the draft 2023-2024 PEDC Budget. She added that the 2023-2024 <br />PEDC Budget will be presented during the July PEDC board meeting for action. <br />Chairman Bray directed board members to reach out to Ms. Hammond with any questions or input into the <br />draft budget presented. No additional questions/comments followed. <br />Report by Executive Director Maureen Hammond <br />PEDC Plan of Work: Ms. Hammond provided a brief update on the PEDC Plan of Work and referenced the <br />memo in the board packets. She stated that PEDC bylaws require that the board review and accept a plan of <br />work every year. At this time, she presented a proposed 2023-2025 Plan of Work. Ms. Hammond stated that <br />the plan and priorities have been updated to reflect the current economic climate as well as industry trends <br />and business needs within the region. She went on to note that the Plan of Work is a living document that is <br />subject to change throughout the year. Ms. Hammond closed by stating that she intends to present a <br />summary of the 2021-2023 Plan of Work accomplishments during the annual meeting in July. She also <br />mentioned that the final 2023-2025 Plan of Work will be presented in July for action. <br />