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City provides its citizens is labor intensive. Therefore, the proposed FY23/24 budget includes a series of <br />equipment purchases. More details as to what these items are will be provided later in this memorandum, but <br />we will touch on several of the more significant items below. <br />The City will be allocating a significant amount of funding to the demolition of the Belford Building, located <br />at 260 South Main Street. This building is in a severe case of dilapidation and has begun to collapse internally. <br />With the availability of ARPA funding, the City now has the chance to bring this multi -story building down <br />safely, thus greatly improving our downtown district. <br />The City completed a Phase I analysis of the Grand Theater in FY22/23. This analysis included a structural <br />analysis of the building and development of bid documents to clean the building and abate asbestos. The goal <br />is to set this building up in such a way to give the non-profit association tied to this city -owned building a <br />clean slate to begin donation collection for future restoration. Using ARPA funds, we plan to clean and abate <br />the building. As this is a city -owned building, and given it is located within the downtown, we wish to do our <br />part like many other downtown building owners and work towards restoration and occupancy. We have a <br />long road ahead, but this Phase II is the next step in the process. <br />Having completed the Phase I of the Housing Study, we are budgeting to proceed with Phase II, which will <br />be the study itself. We are working with the Paris Economic Development Corporation as well as the Carl <br />Cecil Foundation to share in this expense. This study will be extremely helpful with advising future city <br />policy towards housing initiatives for our community. <br />There is a lengthy series of equipment we are seeking to purchase for most all departments. Whether it be <br />vehicles, heavy equipment, technology, etc., this equipment will either be replacing old and tired equipment <br />and/or providing us new abilities to better serve our citizens. A full listing of all capital purchases planned in <br />the Proposed FY23/24 Budget can be found later in this report. <br />8. New Positions — The proposed FY23/24 Budget includes eight new positions. <br />The first new position is a reclassification of an existing position. I would like to promote Doug Harris, <br />Director of Utilities, to the position of Assistant City Manager. Mr. Harris has served the City of Paris for <br />30+ years, many of which has been in his current position. After three years of direct observation, it is my <br />professional opinion that Mr. Harris has skills and abilities that can be put to even greater use upon promotion <br />to a position of higher responsibility and accountability within the City of Paris. His faithful and loyal service <br />to the City of Paris, carefully managing the City's treatment infrastructure for water and sewer, has proven <br />his ability as a manager and leader, and I would like to tap into this to serve Paris, its council, citizens and <br />staff, at a higher level. To accomplish this, I have reorganized the city's organizational chart. I will reclassify <br />Rob Vine to Deputy City Manager to create a distinction in the progression of chain of command and shift <br />responsibilities of all departments between the three positions. First, as City Manager, I will continue to <br />remain fully responsible for all departments under me, including those overseen by the DCM and ACM <br />positions. However, my focus will be the oversight of our Emergency Service Departments and HR. Mr. <br />Vine will take on responsibility of Community Service Departments, including the addition of City Clerk, <br />Finance and PIO (discussed below). Mr. Harris will take on responsibility of Public Infrastructure <br />Departments, including those he currently oversees as well as Public Works and City Engineering. He will <br />continue to perform many of his current duties while delegating some to his direct assigns as needed to <br />accommodate his new responsibilities as the ACM. A copy of the new proposed organizational chart is <br />included as Exhibit F. Separating out these three spheres of municipal operation will allow the City <br />Management Department to have greater efficiency and response time to issues, questions, requests, and <br />concerns raised by City Councilmembers, citizens, developers, other governmental agencies, consultants, <br />etc. Furthermore, this will give Department Heads and staff greater timely access to and response from the <br />City Management Department for high level decision making, strategizing, issue handling, contract <br />negotiation, HR management, and more. This will also allow us to better focus our efforts within the <br />Community Service related departments, Public Infrastructure related departments, and Emergency Service <br />Page 12 of 23 <br />