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MINUTES OF THE MAIN STREET BOARD MEETING <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />August 8, 2023 <br />The Main Street Board of the City of Paris met for a regular session at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8 <br />2023 at the Paris City Hall, Paris City Council Chambers, 107 E. Kaufinan Paris, Texas 75460. <br />Present: Board Members: Greg Kee, Glee Emmite, Tyrone Hayden, William <br />Walker, Seth Johnson, Katrina Mitchell <br />City Representatives: Andrew Mack, Director of Planning & Community Development; <br />Cheri Bedford, Main Street Manager <br />Absent: Kari Daniel, Mayor Reginald Hughes. <br />1. Citizen forum - <br />2. Review minutes from the July 11, 2023 <br />Glee Emmite made a motion to approve the meeting minutes, seconded by Seth Johnson. Motion <br />carried. <br />3. Welcome new members <br />Members of the board introduced themselves to each other <br />4. Building Improvement Grant <br />Paris Community Theater BIG Grant -Spencer O'Connor. Cheri Bedford informed the commission that <br />Mr. O'Conner was ready to appear before the board last month, but this item for the BIG grant was not <br />on the agenda. She ask the board if they would be OK with her presenting on his behalf. She is familiar <br />with the project. <br />Paris Community Theatre request funds for the replacement of the windows on the front of the structure. <br />The windows are deteriorating on the front, and there has been water penetration into the building, rotten <br />frames, and glass about to fall out. The project includes recreating all new wooden windows, using as <br />much of the glass as possible, and following the exact same profile and dimensions as what is existing <br />The project has received an approved Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic Preservation <br />Commission. <br />5. Election of Officers, Chairman, Vice -Chairman, Secretary <br />Nominations were made for the following offices: <br />Glee Emmite nominated Greg Kee as Chairman, seconded by Tyrone Hayden, motion carried, 5 ayes -0 <br />nays. <br />Greg Kee nominated Glee Emmite as Vice Chair, seconded by Tyrone Hayden, motion carried 5 ayes -0 <br />nays <br />Greg Kee nominated Katrina Mitchell for secretary, seconded by Tyrone Hayden, motion carried 5 ayes - <br />0 nays. <br />6. Coordinators Report: Cheri Bedford <br />Cheri Bedford will send out the information on volunteer and set up for the Salsa on the Square and the <br />Hatch Chile Fest, both events coming on September 2, 2023. Everything going as planned and <br />