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Ayes, and 0 Nays. <br />5. Review final submissions for grant approval in the amount of $5000 for repair and painting <br />of windows on 100 N. Main, Moore Law Firm. — Casy Gain presented the submission. A <br />motion was made by Commissioner Vandiver, seconded by Commissioner Coyle to approve <br />the grant. Motion carried, 7 Ayes; 0 Nays <br />6. Discussion and possible action on the following Certificate of Appropriateness for the <br />property located at 36 N. Plaza. Spencer O'Connor came before the Commission to present <br />the COA. <br />A. Blanker panel existing doors and mural opportunity — The original exit door from 1916 <br />s badly degraded with rotting wood. They propose to replace this with pressure treated <br />plywood surface and paint a mural that looks like a backstage exit with the faces of <br />comedy and drama at the top. Thei plan is to not completely seal it in as it might be <br />feasible in the future to open it back up again. Commissioner Vandiver questioned <br />replacing a double door with a single door which is prohibited by the Design <br />Standards. Commission Matthews stated it was his understanding that the original <br />door is not being replaced. Mr. O'Connor stated that is correct. And that the blanker <br />panel is not considered a permanent solution. Commissioner Matthews stated that as <br />long as historic materials is not being removed, there should be no problem. <br />Commissioner Coyle asked if cement board could be used in place of the plywood. <br />Mr. O'Connor stated that is a possibility. A motion was made by Commissioner <br />Daugherty, seconded by Commissioner Coyle to approve the COA with the stipulation <br />that cement board be used in place of the plywood. 7 Ayes; 0 Nays. <br />7. Discussion and possible action on the following application for the property located at 1016 <br />Church Street. Coming before the Commission were property owner Raphael Rodiguez and <br />Jose Flores (interpreter). <br />A. Certificate of Appropriateness — Mr. Rodriguez came before HPO Bedford previously <br />regarding an addition to the back of the house that was in poor condition. She did <br />issue a minor COA to tear down that addition. Mr. Rodriguez plans to remodel the <br />entire front of the house, leaving the windows as they are and repair the siding. The <br />house will remain much as it is now on the front, repairing what is damaged. <br />Commissioner Coyle asked if the side windows are the same size as the front, and if <br />so, could it be used on the front to replace the window that does not match. HPO <br />Bedford stated that it can stay as it exists now. HPO Bedford also told him that there <br />are qualified people in town who can tell him if the windows can be repaired rather <br />than replaced. Commissioner Coyle made a motion, seconded by Commissioner <br />White to approve the COA. Motion carried. 7 Ayes, 0 Nays <br />B. Facade Grant — Commissioner Vandiver made a motion, seconded by Commissioner <br />