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MVCPA Taskforce Grant Negotiation <br />IM <br />Activity <br />3.1.5 Purchase advertisements in local outlets <br />3.1.6 Conduct vehicle report card initiatives. <br />3.1.7 Utilize social media outlets (Facebook, <br />Twitter, Instagram, etc.) <br />3.1.8 Deploy outdoor public notification signage <br />3. 1.10 Conduct media outreach, including, public <br />service announcements, press releases, <br />and interviews <br /> <br />Measure Target <br />Number of advertisements purchased or provided complimentary for <br />taskforce. Include all types of media purchased or provided free (social, tv, <br />utility inserts, billboards, transportation, etc.). Describe in 6.1.1. <br />Number report cards issued <br />Number of postings in social media outlets 25 <br />Number of deployments per month (if sign remains several months, count as 12 <br />1 deployment per month) <br />Number of outreaches <br />3.2 Strategy 2: Conduct Law Enforcement Training Activities to Educate Officers on Recognition and Apprehension of <br />Stolen Vehicles and Property <br />3.2.1 Conduct law enforcement training (TCOLE) Number of classes provided for TCOLE credit <br />3.2.3 Conduct vehicle crimes presentations to Number of classes or presentations. Presentations may include electronic roll <br />law enforcement agencies (non TCOLE) call documents, shift BOLOs and other written or presented materials based <br />on local practices. <br />Grant Evaluation <br />4.1 Describe the local method and/or practice used to collect the data for reporting Goals, Strategies, and Activities and to evaluate the <br />grant program effectiveness. Describe management and staff participation. Include descriptions of systems (forms and software) that <br />will be used to ensure reliable and accurate data is collected and reported. Describe any other evaluation methods used in the <br />applicant agency to determine effectiveness or cost efficiency of the program. <br />The Task Force will implement a weekly report of activity completed by each investigator assigned to the Task Force. The report will <br />show the weekly numbers for cases assigned (thefts, burglaries, frauds, etc.), arrests made, cases filed with the DA's Office, Cases <br />cleared, Vehicles inspected, any altered vehicles identified, number of 68-A inspections completed, agency assists, number of stolen <br />vehicles recovered with values, and the number of stolen parts recovered with values. A Google Spreadsheet will also be completed <br />by each investigator to track their stats as they relate to the Goals, Strategies, and Activities selected above. The Task Force <br />Commander will review the data collected against data collected by each participating agencies reporting systems for accuracy. The <br />Task Force Commander with then combine it into a monthly report. Each quarter the data will be compared to the project goals set <br />forth in this grant and uploaded. This will allow the Task Force to ensure we are meeting our goals and if not, easily take corrective <br />action to complete each goal. At the end of the grant cycle the end of year report is compiled using these numbers. It will be <br />compared to the Goals, Strategies, and Activities to determine if all goals that were set were actually met. This will be reviewed to <br />determine if future goals need to be adjusted. <br />4.2 Provide any other suggested measures that would better reflect the law enforcement or prevention work that the proposed program <br />will perform. If the suggested measure fits into one of the stated goals above please indicate. <br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force will continue to provide assistance to all agencies in the coverage area with investigating <br />auto theft, title fraud, insurance fraud, theft of parts, theft of trailers, theft of farming equipment, and burglary of motor vehicles. The <br />Task Force will also continue to educate the public on ways to help reduce the above listed crimes from ever occurring. The Task <br />Force plans on scheduling several non-TCOLE short training sessions pertaining to auto theft and related crimes to agencies in our <br />coverage area. TCOLE Certified Task Force Investigators will teach at minimum one TCOLE certified class that will be open to all law <br />enforcement in our coverage area which will cover stolen vehicle recognition and identification. This course will include hands-on <br />experience with vehicles, trailers, etc. being identified. This will greatly benefit the rural counties in our coverage area that have little to <br />no training in this area. <br />TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments <br />Ea We acknowledge reviewing the TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of <br />Public Accounts and agree to abide by the terms stated therein. <br />Current Documents in folder <br />Letter of Support.pdf (5/10/2023 1:07:49 PM) <br />Resolution.pdf (5/9/2023 10:09:21 AM) <br />Signed Statement of Grant Award.pdf (8/30/2023 7:52:12 AM) <br />Certifications <br />The certifying official is the authorized official, Grayson Path, City Manager. <br />By submitting this application I certify that I have been designated by my jurisdiction as the authorized official to accept the terms and <br />conditions of the grant. The statements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, <br />fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. <br />By submitting this application I certify that my jurisdiction agrees to comply with all terms and conditions if the grant is awarded and <br />12 of 13 09/18/2023, 10:01 PM <br />