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2023-041 - Authorizing an Inter-Local Agreement between the City of Paris and Hopkins County for a combined task force funded by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for the Northeast Tex
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2023-041 - Authorizing an Inter-Local Agreement between the City of Paris and Hopkins County for a combined task force funded by the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for the Northeast Tex
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8/28/23,12:35 PM <br />MVCPATaskforce Grant Negotiation <br />and Oklahoma. The task force collaborates and communicates with these investigators as well as other Task Force investigators to <br />compare trends in auto theft related crimes. The task force will work with local businesses in developing procedures to prevent auto <br />theft and unknowingly facilitate auto theft. The task force trains and guides other investigators and patrol officers on identifying <br />possible stolen vehicles. The task force also actively works to educate the citizens of our coverage area through social media, public <br />events, and news media. The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force has access to 21 FLOCK cameras, with more currently being <br />added. Investigators actively respond to any LPR hits to intercept stolen vehicles. Investigators also use the LPRs to enter suspect <br />vehicle information to alert local patrol officers of known vehicle theft suspect vehicles being in a particular area. Patrol Officers and/or <br />detectives are then able to respond to the area to help deter or prevent a crime from being committed. The task force has a bait car <br />system that can be utilized. It is generally used for burglaries to help identify suspects; however, we have found in our area suspects <br />burglarizing a motor vehicle will steal the vehicle if they locate a spare key/fob. The stolen vehicle is then used to commit other <br />burglaries or thefts before being discarded or burned. The task force works with the District Attorney's Office to identify prolific <br />offenders, prepare case files, and assist with collecting evidence to present to the courts. The task force often assists agencies from <br />our coverage area in identifying burned, dismantled, and altered vehicles. The task force assists with processing these articles for <br />evidentiary purposes. The task force conducts random salvage dealer and metal recycling yard inspections to locate stolen vehicles. <br />The task force conducts DMV68-a inspections to combat auto theft as well. Due to our task force being mostly rural, one of the most <br />common thefts in our program area are trailer and ATV thefts. Investigators deploy bait trailers with trackers to combat this problem. it <br />has been used with success in identifying and arresting suspects. <br />3.3 Functions of the proposed program related to fraud -related motor vehicle crime (such as title and registration fraud) <br />The task force investigators have a good working relationship with the tax assessor offices in our program area and will continue to <br />respond to investigate title and registration fraud related crimes. investigators either contact by phone or meet in person with <br />employees of the tax assessor offices to get answers to changing DMV requirements in order to remain knowledgeable on title and <br />registration requirements. Investigators are able to provide this information to local patrol officers to keep them educated on security <br />changes to titles and registrations. The task force investigates fraudulent online purchase of vehicles from dealerships in which the <br />suspect never makes physical contact with the business. The suspect uses stolen information (identity theft) to purchase the vehicle <br />and the dealership will then ship the vehicle to the suspect, not knowing that the information provided was fraudulent until well after <br />the suspect already has possession of the vehicle. The task force educates the public about buying vehicles over social media and <br />receiving fraudulent titles. We have seen this growing trend in our program area where stolen vehicles are being sold with a <br />fraudulent title to unsuspected buyers, generally coming from areas like Dallas and Houston. Generally, the buyer does not know it is <br />a stolen vehicle until they attempt to have the title put in their name or a DMV 68-A inspection is done on it. Task force investigators <br />conduct the DMV 68-A inspections in order to help identify fraudulent title transactions, registration fraud, and stolen and cloned <br />vehicles. <br />3.4 Functions of the proposed program related to preventing motor vehicle crime (motor vehicle theft, burglary from a motor vehicle and <br />fraud -related motor vehicle crime) <br />The Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force believes educating citizens on how not to become a victim of burglaries, vehicle thefts, <br />and other vehicle related crimes is paramount in combating these vehicle crimes. The task force will educate the public on how to <br />research a vehicle prior to purchasing it to prevent a title fraud incident and to prevent them from purchasing a stolen vehicle. The <br />task force places ads with different media outlets as well as makes posts on social media to inform citizens of current trends related to <br />vehicle crimes. Social media will also be utilized to help recover stolen property and identify unknown suspects. Investigators attend <br />community events such as County Fairs and trade shows where they set up booths and display banners and signs. The task force <br />also places signage in highly trafficked areas to help educate and remind citizens of the importance of securing their belongings and <br />locking their vehicles. The task force has Investigators that are TCOLE certified instructors who will deliver multiple TCOLE and Non- <br />TCOLE training courses related to vehicle crimes and prevention to coverage area law enforcement officers. This training will help our <br />rural coverage area counties who have investigators with little to no training on vehicle crimes know what to look for and assist in <br />preventing and the detection of vehicle crimes. The task force will continue to coordinate with program area law enforcement <br />agencies, N/CB, DPS, Oklahoma law enforcement, and other Task Forces across the state to identify trends in motor vehicle thefts, <br />auto burglaries, auto parts thefts, and vehicle fraud cases. <br />3.5 Functions of the proppsed program for other motor vehicle crimes investigations and activities consistent with the statutory <br />requirements (preventing stolen vehicles from entering Mexico, stopping illegal export of stolen vehicle from bridge/ outbound port <br />operations, disruption of cartel or organized criminal enterprises using stolen motor vehicles or fraud related motor vehicle crime, <br />insurance fraud, eta..) <br />The task force program area is not located near or around any U. S. border or a port of entry/exit. The program area does have (5) <br />counfies along the Texas and Oklahoma border where stolen property frequently enters and leaves the state. The task force will <br />continue to have a wonting relationship with Oklahoma State and Local law enforcement as well as the area Tribal Police. These <br />relationships strengthen the ability to identify criminal organizations, offenders, and recover stolen vehicles. The task force <br />investigators also work with NICB investigators, insurance companies, DistrictAifomey's offices, and DMV investigators to help deter <br />and prosecute offenders who commit insurance and title fraud. The task force has found where vehicles are being falsely reported as <br />stolen and then dumped or burned by the owner. Task force investigators have been able to use cell tower information and other <br />technology to link the crime to the owner in the fraud cases. The task force utilizes informants when possible to obtain information on <br />organized criminal organizations who frequently use or steal motor vehicles as part of their criminal organization. This includes <br />criminal organizations who commit vehicle burglaries to obtain a victim's personal identification, then use that information to purchase <br />vehicles fraudulently. <br />3.6 Collaboration Effort — Describe the taskforce method to collaborate, and not duplicate existing activities. Describe the cross <br />boundaries regional approach to grant activity implementation. Describe how the applicant staff and jurisdiction will coordinate with <br />other taskforces and law enforcement agencies to implement this program. <br />httpsJlmvcpa.tamu.edulNegotiationrrFGPrintApplication.asp?ApplD=225&FiscalYear-2024 8/12 <br />
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