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Bring 4.599a oflod sihmud within Me ecqxwd6 UMIts oft& City of Porh' TAM, CM 'TLW' <br />099 acres beb*PW of &e los* Lwb Ssvay,AWo*;tN=bar 524 aswoU abobw all of a QOW 4. <br />am txj of Md oonMed from David p— Rabiwan and Brenda L. Robiwon, to MWr (Mork) PMIW 10d <br />pMWirrom co=VC3wVsDoc=vdN=bOr <br />buM on Mmvk 21, 2019 by W&rragy Deed TaNde din <br />161041.2019. The aid 4.599 am Win more f* da"VOOd by gnat:oriel boumb"foUaws: <br />Beginnisig 0 & K Inch ben Md fMW ILt the cugW Soudboo oomes of a caged 1.470 acre IzW of Md <br />conveyed to; SC Muftq" to pMA pwb LLC on Yum 09.2016 by Warranty Dead recorded in TA <br />CrjMy c)eMs Domwkm Number 134116-2016 and also the Soul um" oases of Lot l.Black AftdWMVA <br />the RepW of Oak RWV 318 Addition facorded it Lamar Cc" phi Racordy Envelope 461 -D, and sold rad <br />slao being in ft Nm* jigbt of way UN of US tMP 296, <br />Tbew WGIM 1002e34" East, slog the Wast boundary Una of ft gra"mentloned Paley trail and the But <br />. of Ow sfivemenficima Lot I as a d1ance of 313.52 feet pasaft a % inch cAPPcd MWO 1100 <br />Ilne <br />rodfiYusd at The Woribeafft cower of said Lot I and et *A SwAhem cOrOar of a tolled 1.470 MM Vent of WW <br />, <br />covayed fins, HLmsb pool tD BHOLE BABA CORP on October 20, 2017 by CMOMAI WMMIY Dead fftOrded <br />in IAMW COMIty Clerk's Document Number 147483-2017 and said rod also being the Soudmst corner of Lot 2, <br />Block A of Oak Ridge, Addition 318 as rawrded In Loatar County Phd Ram& ZOVOIOPC 455-D, 20 "Outinuibg <br />on Id 554.61 f9d pmkog a Va kA capped (WWft) tzCM rod found at to "ordwit corner of sold Lot 2 and st <br />" Southasyt cWM of a s bd r;& of way dedication &)Oft an said plat of Oak Ridge Addition 318 MMd8d <br />in envelope 455-D and covfinuir% on for a total dicta ue of 559.76 feat to a % jwI capped Iron rod (Whiney) <br />fimmd at the Morthwat cO= Of SW PVM UIC4 and 'd the NwffirAM effm of ft doremautione'd5 bot right <br />Vfway dedication, IM sold rod abobehvS in ft South right of way fix of Qwtar SUIW(4Y fight of MY IS per <br />Pit Redords Penelope 31 O-A); <br />Theme North 87028'39" B&04 along do North bmrdM line of the If0mVIEftfia"d Ponkef tract OW the <br />South rip of way Hm of Center StOK a dhWa of 454.84 ft to a % imh cqqmd (MMIOI 011 - 1) ircn IW <br />fiwnd is the Northwest uw= Of 1, O&W 10.487 am &ad of IIM =vq* float David R. ftbbdon 10 Omg <br />ad Mmn Ij Moan Do=ber 22.2010 by Warraty Deed recorded In Tam COMAY CIOWS Dmumw <br />Number 1)84433-2010; <br />'bake South 1900220" Well, along the Wag boundoxy litre of the &&=01110001 Wst" tract, at A &Mee <br />of 346.02 " pawing a % inch capped (Rhodes) iron rod fband at 60 molt Nc I ti I I I SM&WtK career of said <br />bWm ttimt, and at the Northwest corm of a 000d 2.618 me elm of Ind conveyed foam Cade Bank <br />cmpondva to K=MMh LLC on Angurt 1:2, 2013 by Wxnnty Deed with Vandels Lim r000rdad in Lamar <br />Courcy Cle&s Docmantlqumba lo8gln-2ol3 and axanuing sawtiho Wenbwxglary Lim of sold Kemnalh <br />LLC &W for a total dhftm of 406.23 fmt to a ppw' at the Morthast c tw n P-r of a cdW LIS32 am Ired of <br />land oonveyed from David IL Robinson to Tony Dam Vahm anon November 18, 2016 by Warre* DOW <br />twordA4 in LMIX CMOY Clerks Doctawnt Number 138291.2016 and st to Nortbiad corner of Lot 1, Block <br />A of VQ No. 2 AM" CB 318 McmW I%Lqmu Cvxq Plat Records Envelope 462-1), and dram said point a <br />inch ca;Ved (ChoxieY) bm god fouDd bears South 70659W EW I, d[StEnce of OM fbO4 <br />Than= NWb 7D659W Wool, 1304 tv North bmmdM ling of the &fMMnOMW Waltara emu W the <br />North bawA" Una of the abremeadomed Lot 1, Block A of DQ No. 2 AAdkdm a di of 347.16 Nd In a <br />% inch capped (Chawy) &m rod fbmd at tht NM*west cornea of odd Walters troch *a Nor%vmst C=" <br />of sold Lot 1, Bloch A oFDQ No 2 Additiom <br />7bwm so%a 19°03'08" wast, sion the Wert bmmdM Lina of the &%remanioned Wahm had and the <br />Wag boundwy Om of the ifoamantiorad Lot 1, Block A of DQ No. 2 Additim a dist of 336.53 fiwt to it <br />%,Mb O&PPed (Chaney) h,= rod &xId at the SouthvMg MW of said Wallets tract and at the Soudweal: MxM <br />of said Lot 1, and old rad also being ijD tax North right of MAY Hot of US Loop Number 286; <br />Tboace Worth $4645'33" Weak ak)t* The North H*d of way line of US Loop 286, a dWAM-t of 100.79 feet to <br />a % Inch bw rod found, and firom cid iron rod a'% tach topped (MTG jolal 1-1) iron rod fourA bears South <br />1t060V03" East a dithme of 0.07 feat; <br />Thence Notih 74*3 34V' West Waft the North rigM of way line *fUS Loop 286. 0 distance 904.91 foo Is <br />the POW of ftivning and CooWning 4.599 ACM of land. <br />