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MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING <br />AIRPORT ADVISQRY BOARD <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />THURSDAY, AUGUST 173 2023,,5:30 P.M. <br />1. The Airport Advisory Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Airport Manager Paul Strahan. <br />Members present: Scott Jackson and LeAndra Mau hon. <br />City Representatives: Assistant City Manager Robert Vine and Airport Manager Paul Strahan <br />2. Citizen's Input. <br />No one spoke during the citi7en's forum. <br />3. Approval of Minutes <br />The May 18, 2023, minutes needed approval, motion made to approve the minutes by Scott <br />Jackson and seconded by LeAndra Mau hon. <br />4. Receive Report from the Airport Manager. <br /># Avgas Truck Arrival <br />After working on obtaining an avgas truck from Avfuel, the airport received the avgas fuel truck <br />mid-June. This is a loaner truck until Avfuel can lease the airport a permanent truck. The airport <br />has seen an increase of fuel sales due to the truck. Transient pilots take advantage of the truck as <br />they are used to full service avgas at other airports. The usage of the fuel truck is taking some of <br />the work load off of the self -serve pump. The price difference from self -serve to full service is <br />0.50 / gallons, this tends to be the norm at other airports. <br />e AWOS Upgrade <br />The FAA let'l,'XDOT know that PRX AWOS was needing a refurbishment due to the age of the <br />system. P AWOS is owned and maintained by the FAA, The FAA came out with a 90/10 split <br />on the funding instead of the normal 75/25 split. This funding match requirement reduction was <br />made in order for airports to take advantage of the lower match requirement, essentially giving <br />airports a more up to date AWOS. The project called for the city to pay for the entire upgrade of <br />$1251 , after the project was complete the city would seek 90% reimbursement from the FAA. <br />This project will be done in FY 24. <br />9 New LOGO for Airport Update <br />City teamed up with DeadCat Media for new city logos. DeadCat came up with a logo specific to <br />the airport. In FY 24 the airport will start placing the new logo on the entry way doors of the <br />terminal. <br />e LED Airfield Lighting Update <br />