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the north side of the property is to remain in place for historical purposes. The height of this wall <br />is approximately 8 feet. <br />On November 13, 2023, the City Council approved award of the bid to the Lloyd D. Nabors <br />Demolition, LLC, and work began on Friday, December 1, 2023. <br />As an add alternate to the project, Nabors Demolition, LLC gave a bid of $13,500.00 to save the <br />antique chains and stars which held up the awning in front of the Belford building, along South <br />Main. Staff recommends approval of the add alternate change order to preserve the historical stars <br />and chains for use at some point in the future. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: <br />Lloyd D. Nabors Demolition, LLC base bid is $493,500.00, with an additional cost of $94,500.00 <br />to retain the north wall per terms of the agreement with SMA, for a total of $588,000.00 for the <br />project. Lloyd D. Nabors Demolition, LLC included in their submittal the options for retention of <br />the north wall. With the add alternate change order of $13,500.00, the total cost of the project is <br />$601,500.00. It was staff's intention to present this to the City Council at the same time as awarding <br />the bid to Nabors Demolition, but it was missed and accidently left out. <br />Given Nabor's timeline was moved up significantly to this previous week, while we originally had <br />planned to present this change order to the city council prior to their demolition (tonight's council <br />meeting), the City Manager had to make a decision ahead of their work this past Wednesday, <br />December 6, 2023. He reached out and informed the City Council on Friday, December 1St, and <br />then authorized the work with the assumption that the City Council would approve the change <br />order after the fact. We work hard to try and prevent instances of this happening, however the <br />timing of the demolition and council meeting did not line up well in this instance. Therefore, the <br />City Manager is requesting that you authorize his decision, be it after the fact. <br />All original proposal/bid documents are available for review at the office of the City Clerk. <br />BUDGET: <br />The $601,500.00 is available from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), including the amount <br />needed to cover the Change Order. <br />