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(1) protect the public health and safety; <br />(2) promote the public convenience and necessity; <br />(3) ensure that transportation for hire is a viable component of the transportation <br />system in the City; <br />(4) allow different modes of transportation for hire to compete directly with each <br />other; and <br />(5) allow consumers to select the type of transportation for hire they wish to use. <br />"Sec. 5.11.002. Definitions <br />"The following terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to <br />them by this section: <br />'Black Car means any Vehicle for Hire, regardless of make or model, which does not <br />meet the definitions for Taxicab, Shuttle, or Limousine. <br />"City means the City of Paris, Texas. <br />"City Council shall mean the governing body of the City of Paris, Texas. <br />"Hailable Service is a Taxicab Service that can be immediately summoned by a <br />passenger communicating in person with the Driver of the Vehicle without need of utilizing <br />the Transportation for Hire Services dispatch system. <br />"License shall mean a license granted by the City allowing an owner or operator of a <br />Vehicle for Hire to operate within the City. <br />`Licensee mans any Person to whom the City grants a license to operate a Vehicle for <br />Hire Service under this Article. <br />"Limousine means a chauffeured motor vehicle, other than a taxicab, a van, a bus, or <br />a touring vehicle, with a rated passenger capacity of not less than nine or more than 11 <br />passengers. <br />`Person means an individual, corporation, agency, trust, partnership, business entity, <br />2 <br />