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PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS <br />107 EAST KAUFMAN <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />MONDAY FEBRUARY 05,2024.5:30 P.M. <br />AGENDA <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />2. Citizens' forum. <br />(Persons desiring to address the Planning and Zoning Commission must limit their presentation to no more than two <br />minutes. Unless an item is posted on the Agenda, the Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the Commission from <br />responding to any comments other than to refer the matter to a future agenda, to an existing policy, or to a staff person <br />with specific factual information. Claims against the City, Council Members, or employees, as well as individual personal <br />appeals are not appropriate for the citizens' forum.) <br />3. Approve minutes from the meeting of January 03, 2024. <br />4. Conduct a public hearing and take action regarding the petition of Faviola C. Dimas for a <br />zoning change from a One -Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) to a One -Family Dwelling <br />District No. 3 (SF -3) in the Westview Addition, Block A, Lots 7R and 8R, LCAD 20605 and <br />130518, located at 1824-1834 W Houston. <br />Conduct a public hearing and take action regarding the petition of the City of Paris, Texas to <br />update the Subdivision Regulations, specifically to amend Exhibit 9A — Subdivision <br />Ordinance for Preliminary/Final Platting and General Requirements; Thoroughfare Plan. <br />6. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of the Kilian Addition, Block A, Lot 1, <br />LCAD 117490, located in the 2300 Block NE Loop 286/Spur 139. <br />7. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of the Huhtamaki West Center <br />Addition, Block A, Lot 1, LCAD 53591 and 53657, located at 800 W Center. <br />8. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of the Huhtamaki West Center Addition, <br />Block A, Lot 1, LCAD 53591 and 53657, located at 800 W Center. <br />9. Discuss and appoint one Commissioner to the Paris Development Code Subcommittee. <br />10. Request items for future agendas. <br />11. Adjournment. <br />POSTED: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 01 2024• / e rvl , C CITY HALL ANNEX BULLETIN <br />BOARD <br />BY: ....... ......... ................................. ..... <br />