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a great deal of value for all three entities, especially for the PEDC, noting that the three core things that <br />she believes will be of particular interest to the PEDC are commuting patterns, residential leakage, and <br />traffic counts. She continued by stating that it will also provide services in supporting the city in retail <br />recruitment, in conjunction with traffic counts and utilization of geofencing. The software is $15,000 <br />annually and she is seeking board approval to participate in a three-way split, bringing the PEDC cost to <br />$5,000 for a year-long contract. She noted that the City has already signed an agreement with <br />and the PEDC would be reimbursing the city in the amount of $5,000. <br />Ms. Hammond concluded the discussion by stating that in the interest of transparency, she wanted to <br />present this to the board for consideration and approval, as the PEDC Executive Director can move <br />forward based on the PEDC's current budget and current spending thresholds. <br />Mr. Coleman made the motion to approve sharing the cost of the joint software platform for <br />one year with the City of Paris and Lamar County Chamber of Commerce, with each party contributing <br />one-third of the total amount. Mr. Roddy seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 5 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Re ort and Updates by Executive Director Maureen Hammond <br />Huhtamaki: Ms. Hammond stated that on Friday, December 1St Huhtamaki held their groundbreaking <br />ceremony to celebrate their expansion which will drive an estimated $85,000,000 in new capital <br />investment and will provide 80 new jobs. She noted that it was a great event and expressed <br />appreciation to all of the board members who were able to attend and participate. <br />Ms. Hammond went on to relay a recent development that had emerged in the few weeks prior to the <br />meeting, stating that Huhtamaki has agreed to grant access to the cemetery on the new road they will <br />be constructing connecting Loop 286. She emphasized that this serves as another example of <br />Huhtamaki's commitment to the community. Ms. Hammond went on to convey that Huhtamaki has <br />received all of their permits from the city and that they've started demolition with progress updates to <br />follow. <br />Chairman Bray briefly provided a comment stating that he appreciates everybody's support and <br />attendance, highlighting that there was great support from the PEDC Board, City Council, and the media, <br />with many people in attendance. <br />PEDC Website Update: Ms. Hammond provided an update on the PEDC website noting that the website <br />has been under development for several months. The contract to design and build the website was with <br />DeadCat Media. She provided thanks to the Marketing Committee, including Dr. Hashmi, Mr. Terrell, <br />and Mr. Roddy for their participation in the process of getting the website completed. She provided <br />special recognition to Lea Emerson from DeadCat Media, stating that her work has been exceptional. <br />Ms. Hammond stated that Lea has excelled in graphic design, data organization, and building out <br />functionality which resulted in a first-class, aesthetically pleasing website for the PEDC. <br />Ms. Hammond also recognized the PEDC team, which has had significant involvement in this process of <br />content creation, organization of data, and reviewing data. She went on to thank Lauren for all of her <br />efforts and assistance provided throughout the process. The report continued with a visual overview of <br />the website and its key features, noting that the target audience for this website is site selectors, <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />