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OW'14111EIR: <br />hwest Fannin, <br />P.O. Box'7971 1.1 <br />E)a[las,'Te xas'75379 <br />C111,11FY: <br />C17"YOF'PARI S, TEXAS <br />AlfCity Manager <br />P. 0. Box 9037 <br />Paris, TX7546 1. -9037 <br />Witli a copv to: <br />City (Aerk, City of Paiis,Texa,s <br />(Address sarne as albove) <br />6.14 If arry teiirn or provision of this Agreernent shall The declared unconstitutional or <br />void by any court of'co,ini]p(, the constitutionality and validity of ttie ren-i.ainder of <br />�said Agreernent sball not be, atfected. thereby', and to this end the, ternis and provisiolas of this <br />Agreenlent rare declared to be sevcrable. <br />6.15 rtiis Agreement sets forth, rhe entire understanding between the parties. and any <br />other o: r agreei-nents shall be canceled al -id. superseded by this Agreena.en.1 upon <br />tfie date ung execution iiereof None of tire terins of this Afire ern(-.,nt shall. be waived., (Jischarged, <br />altered or rnodified in.any respect, ex1c(-,,.pt by an Agreenicrit in wri,til:ig sigpied by both parties arid <br />specifically re(brii.lig to this Agreerrient. Thit captions in this Af..Yireement are included 1L' r <br />convt,.nien.(..e only and. shall. not be taken. into consideration in any constniction. or interpretation. <br />of t1tis Agreenient or any of its previsions, ."his Agreernent is peribn-nable in Lamar Cmurty, <br />Texas, a.r d. shall be governed. by, construed. and enforced in accordance witli. the laws of tlie State <br />of ]Fexcasl.'111(.% provisions of this Agreenlent shall. apply to, E)ind and inure to the benefit of the <br />City, Owner, and their respective suceessors, an(.]. pennitted assig-is, if any. <br />6A6 Venue for any actions arising under t1iis Ag <br />,rccment shall He exclusively in tbe <br />coufts of Lainar° County, Texas, fbr any State Court ac.tion, and in the U.S. District Court Rn, the <br />Eastern District of Texas foir any fedenjil court action., <br />6.17 M.-AMIDA]FORY A.N11'11--BO1YC',OT1F AND 01TIHEIR. PROVIII.S1110INS. Owner, by <br />e,"xecuting this agreej-nent, certifies the fi.)Ilowing: <br />i. 1F)Ursuant to Section 2271.002 of tiwnn 'Texas Gov erwrient Code, Consultant <br />certifies tliat either (i) it meets an exciTiption criterion undcr Section 2271 M2:; <br />or, (ii) it does not lboycott Isra el. and will nnot lsrue;l during the term of <br />the Agreement. Consultarit ack.1-iowledges this Agreenient rrnay 1,.)e terni.inated <br />and payn'i.ent mrithhel(i ff this ceirtificalion is inaccurate, <br />ii. Pursuant to "M 1-31 87A.i 'J"exas Legislature, C011SUltunt certifies that either <br />(i) it nieets an exomption. critelion ander SB 13, 87th Texas I.,egislature; or, (ii.) <br />it aJloes not boycoft anergy cornpanies, as defined ill Section I of ii 1. 3, 87th <br />'Texas Legislature, and will not boycott energy cornparties duaing the term of <br />8 <br />