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Paris Public Library Advisory Board <br />9/20/2023 <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Call to Order: <br />The regular meeting of the Paris Public Library Advisory Board was called to order by <br />Chairman Steve Hellman at 5:01 p.m. <br />Board Members Present: Steve Hellmann, Amy Watson, Melanie Loughmiller, Kelvin <br />Hicks, and Myers Hurt, DeEtte Cobb and Jennifer Cullum were absent. Also present <br />were Library Director Connie Lawman, Friends of the Library representatives Audrey <br />Mathieu, and Jeannie Walter, as well as Assistant City Manager Rob Vine. <br />Citizens Forum: <br />No citizens addressed the library board. <br />Ill. Approval: <br />The minutes of the August 16th, 2023 meeting were approved with the <br />following corrections: Melanie Loughmiller's name was corrected from "Amy Loughmiller" <br />in the motions concerning officer elections on IV.a.i and IV.a.ii. Paula Rater's name was <br />corrected from "Paula Raider" in IV.b. <br />With these corrections, Melanie Loughmiller moved to approve the minutes, and Kelvin <br />Hicks provided the second. <br />IV. New Business: <br />Staff Introduction: <br />Tracy Clark, Children's Librarian: Tracy Clark, the Children's Librarian, introduced <br />herself. She reported that she has been with the Paris Public Library for 16 and a half <br />years and is extremely passionate about leading the Children's Library and its programs. <br />Her typical duties include phone and email customer service, assisting parents, <br />teachers, and children in navigating the library, creating and implementing programs and <br />curriculum for the Children's Library, including field trips, educational flyers, and <br />decorations in the children's room. She also manages the space to ensure it is <br />decorated, tidy, and clean. Tracy shared some rewarding memories, such as former <br />children who now remember her as adults. She's very proud of the elimination of <br />children's book fines and the removal of limits on children's books. Steve Hellman <br />inquired about the impact of these changes, and Tracy reported increased circulation <br />and better access for children. She praised Connie's leadership and the support of <br />volunteers during busy summer months. <br />Updated Patron Application: <br />Connie Lawman reported that she streamlined the new Patron application for library <br />cards by removing details like a second address, age brackets, and the computer <br />