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Paris Public Library Advisory Board <br />01/10/2024 <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Call to Order: <br />The regular meeting of the Paris Public Library Advisory Board was called to order by <br />Chairman Steve Hellmann at 5:02 p.m. <br />Board members present were: Steve Hellmann, Jennifer Cullum, Amy Watson, Kelvin <br />Hicks, and Myers Hurt. Board members absent were Melanie Loughmiller and <br />DeEtte Cobb. Also present were Library Director Connie Lawman, Deputy City <br />Manager Rob Vine, and representatives from Friends of the Library Audrey Mathieu <br />and Jennifer Hollje. <br />Citizens Forum: <br />No citizens addressed the board. <br />III. Approval: <br />The minutes of the November 15th, 2023 meeting were approved with the <br />correction be made under Section VI(c) Director's Remarks: Library Director Connie <br />Lawman agreed to provide the results of the public survey for the library remodel. <br />With no further corrections, Amy made the motion to approve, with Kelvin providing <br />the 2nd <br />IV. New Business: <br />a. Library Advisory Board Bylaws: <br />As Chairman, Steve led the board through a refresher of the advisory board <br />bylaws and duties. The board reviewed the information point by point. Some of <br />the key points were that meetings will be held once a month, and special <br />meetings may be called when necessary. The Advisory Board Chair, Co -Chair, and <br />Secretary are all voted on by annually by the new board in July. <br />The board also reviewed specific points regarding the constitution, including that <br />the board shall be made up of 7 members, if there is a vacancy the board can <br />make a recommendation to the Paris City Council for appointment of a new <br />member. The Ex -officio members are the Library Director and Friends of the <br />Library, who have no ability to vote on board decisions. <br />When necessary, the board may meet with a quorum of 4 members. The board <br />will follow Robert's Rules of Order when in session. The duties of the board are <br />to provide direction, community outreach, and help advise the Memorial and <br />Gift Funds. <br />