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Item No. 22 <br />COUNCIL MEMBER AGENDA ITEM REQUEST <br />Please complete this form to have an item placed on the agenda for the Council's consideration. <br />The deadline for requesting an item on an agenda will be the Wednesday before the council <br />meeting takes place. This time is necessary so that staff can research the matter and <br />prepare/review an ordinance, resolution, or other document such as a contract. In order for your <br />fellow Council Members to fully understand your item, have productive discussion, ensure <br />efficient council meetings, and for staff to be able to assist you as completely as possible, it is <br />important that you describe the item with as much detail as possible and include any supporting <br />documentation so that it may be included in the Council's meeting packets. Please return this <br />completed form to the City Manager's office or the City Clerk's office. <br />Council member making request: <br />❑ Shatara Moore ❑ Rebecca Norment <br />® Reginald Hughes ❑ Clayton Pilgrim <br />❑ Gary Savage ❑ Rudy Kessel <br />❑ Mihir Pankaj <br />Description of Item I„would like for Citi Council to consider adoi�tin Juneteenth and <br />Veterans' Dai as additional holidays for_theCit of Paris <br />Are additional sheets or supporting materials attached? ❑ Yes ❑.No <br />I request that this item be placed on the agenda for the: <br />® City Council meeting on this date m2 26-2024 „_ <br />❑ Sometime in the next 2 meetings <br />❑ No specific time in mind — just keep it on a list of pending issues <br />Signature: Date:.���__��� <br />q.� <br />City of Paris Revised 0512023.. <br />