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failure to comply with this article. The revocation may be appealed to the city council if <br />written notice of a request for hearing is given to the city manager within ten (10) days of <br />the receipt of the revocation order. The order of the city council approving or disapproving <br />the order of the city manager shall be final. <br />§ 12.04.047 Street use fee. <br />(a) Each holder of a permit issued under section 12.04.042 shall pay the city a street use fee <br />for the privilege of operating on the city streets, alleys, and thoroughfares as set forth in <br />the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. The permit holder shall keep records of all <br />gross receipts for all revenues and income collected from any source derived from the <br />permit holder's operation of solid waste collection within the city limits. <br />(b) Street use fees are due and shall be paid monthly no later than the 15th day of the month <br />following the month of collection. Anyone who fails to pay the fee imposed by this <br />section within the time required shall pay a penalty as set forth in the fee schedule in <br />appendix A of this code, which penalty shall be in addition to the usual fee imposed by <br />this section. <br />§ 12.04.048 Expiration of this division. <br />This division 2 shall expire at 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 2024 after which time the Commercial <br />and Industrial Collection services, unless excluded by §12.04.001(c), shall be assumed by the <br />Contractor. <br />