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03/14/2024 Minutes
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03/14/2024 Minutes
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Ms. Hammond asked what on the catalyst project list has been implernented to date from <br />the Toole plan. To date, the plaza expansion of 27 feet was the only project completed, <br />5. Discuss, provide direction to staff and possible act on amendments to the Project Plan and <br />Financing Plan for TIRZ No. I to wit: <br />a.. Amend the boundaries of TIRZ No. I to exclude all or a portion of Subzone 4, <br />including the Gene Stallings Industrial Park. <br />b, To dedicate 50% of the fund increment to industrial development in any subzone <br />within TIRZ No. 1. <br />Ms. Hammond stated that she didn't believe the current project and finance plan as <br />currently structured is equitable to all parties, noting from the development schedule and the <br />revenue projection a majority of the revenue is coming from 4 subzones only to benefit one <br />subzone, and in the state Paris is in today all the subzones could benefit from improvements. She <br />suggested the board could consider looking at a more equitable structure that would benefit all <br />parties that are putting that incremental growth into this TIR7 fund. Ms. Harnrnond suggested the <br />board table the agenda items 5a and 5b and work with stakeholders to come tip with a plan that is <br />more equitable, and preferably to (to this work within the next 90 days. Ms. Hammond reiterated <br />that you cannot have downtown without jobs, and that a vibrant downtown is clearly important to <br />econornic development. <br />Chairman Head stated a vibrant downtown was vital to industry and is cohesive. Given <br />that this is a monumental decision, he was not comfortable with the rate that the board was <br />making decisions. He stated that, he would prefer that the board take more time and discuss these <br />matters, and that he saw no reason to rush tile process. Ms. Hammond moved to table items 5a <br />and 5b. Mr. McMonigle seconded, motion carried 5 ayes, 0 trays. <br />G. Discuss scheduling a special meeting for the week of March 18, 2024 to consider and <br />approve amendments to the Project Plan and Financing Plan for TIRZ No. 1. <br />Chairman Head asked that since items 5a and 5b were being tabled., was it necessary to <br />hold a special meeting the next week, City Attorney, Ms. Harris, advised that if the board. was <br />trying to have something done in 90 days that it consider having additional meetings to the <br />monthly meetings, and that it could call additional meetings if" it so desired, Chairman. Head <br />asked why the process needed to be concluded in 90 days, since the board originally was to 1-neet <br />quarterly, and is now meeting monthly. Ms. Hammond stated her desire for this not be a 6 month <br />process as to keep up momentum. Ms. Harris suggested additional meetings, but that was up to <br />the board. <br />Mr. Vine asked Ms. Harris if she knew a proposed process to make any changes, such as <br />public hearings and meetings with stakeholders, and if so, how long it should take should the <br />board want to make changes. Ms. Harris suggested there were different ways to approach this <br />item, including calling workshop meetings and inviting stakeholders. Ms. Harris stated that at the <br />TIRZ board level nothing requires a public hearing, but that all meetings would be open to tile <br />public. She noted that if the board adopts changes to the TIRZ to forward to city council, the City <br />Cotincil would have to conduct a public hearing which will have to be advertised. <br />The board discussed next steps and set a meeting for March 28, 2024 to establish a date <br />and time for a forum for stakeholders to discuss options. <br />7. Request for future agenda items, <br />Chairman Head requested that staff provide the board With a cost estimate for the <br />implementation of the Toole plan so as to give the board an understanding of the numbers before <br />any changes to the TIRZ zones are considered. <br />
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