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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 22, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />made by Council Mayor Pro -Tem Pankaj and seconded by Council Member Savage. Motion <br />carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Approve minutes from the meetings of March 25, 2024 & April 8, 2024. <br />6. Receive reports and/or minutes from the following boards and commissions: <br />a. Love Civic Center Quarterly Reports <br />b. VC& C Quarterly Reports <br />c. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Board (3-28-2024) <br />d. Historic Preservation Commission (3-13-2024) <br />e. Paris -Lamar County Board of Health (2-20-2024) <br />7. Receive March monthly financial report. <br />Receive March drainage report. <br />9. Receive demolition and code enforcement activity reports. <br />10. Approve the Final Plat of the Troy Jones Addition, Lot 1, Block A CB 134, LCAD 16186, <br />16187, 16188, located in the 600 Block of W. Sherman. <br />11. Approve the Final Plat of the Harper Industrial Addition, Lot 2, Block A, LCAD PT of <br />70702, PT of 71910, 111478, located in the 2500 Block of S. Church. <br />12. Approve Change Order No. 3 with Lloyd D. Nabors Demolition for the Belford <br />Demolition Project, increasing the amount of $7,500.00 for leveling of the north wall. <br />13. Award the bid and approve an Agreement for Concrete Demolition and Construction <br />services with Pridemore Construction in the amount of $368,490.00; and authorize the <br />City Manager to execute all necessary documents. <br />14. Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2024-021: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDER(S) CONTRACTS FOR THE 2023 DRP/MS <br />PROGRAM FROM THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br />(TxCDBG) FUND; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO <br />THE SUBJECT AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />15. Approve the expenditure of TIRZ Funds to hold an educational training conducted by the <br />Texas Comptroller's Office to the TIRZ Board. <br />