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account of all receipts and disbursements, and endorse, or cause to be <br />endorsed, in the name of the Authority and deposit, or cause to be <br />deposited, all funds in such bank or banks as may be designated by the <br />Authority as depositories; render to the Directors at such time as may be <br />required an account of all financial transactions coming under the scope of <br />the Treasurer's authority; give a good and sufficient bond, to be approved <br />by the Authority, in such an amount as may be fixed by the Authority; <br />invest such of the Authority's funds as directed by resolution of the Board, <br />subject to the restrictions of any trust agreement entered into by the <br />Authority; and hold such administrative offices and perform such other <br />duties as the Directors of the Authority or the Executive Director shall <br />require. If, and to the extent that, the duties or responsibilities of the <br />treasurer and those of any administrator conflict and are vested in different <br />persons, the conflicting duties and responsibilities shall be deemed vested <br />in the Treasurer. <br />§ 27. Administrators <br />If the Board of the Authority determines or has determined that <br />administrators are necessary for the efficient operation of the Authority, <br />the chief administrator of the Authority shall be the Executive Director. <br />Other administrators may be appointed by the Executive Director with the <br />consent of the Board. All such administrators, except for the Executive <br />Director, shall perform such duties and have such powers as may be <br />assigned to them by the Executive Director or as set forth in Board <br />Resolutions. Any administrator may be removed, with or without cause, at <br />any time by the Executive Director. <br />All administrators will be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in <br />performance of their duties as approved by the Executive Director. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, all actual expense reimbursements to the <br />Executive Director shall be subject to the approval of the Chair, <br />Adopted April 9, 2008 P 15 <br />Revisions: June 7, 2012; February 15, 2018 <br />