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10 - Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority (2)
City Council
Agenda Packets
06 - JUNE
10 - Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority (2)
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meetings are subject to the notice requirements of the Texas Open <br />meetings Act, however they are not subject to the additional requirements <br />of § 551.125(b) of the Act. The Notice must state where members of the <br />public can attend to hear those portions of the meeting open to the public. <br />Participation in a meeting pursuant to this § 13 constitutes being present in <br />person at such meeting, except that a Director will not be considered in <br />attendance when the Directors appears at such a meeting for the express <br />of objecting to the transaction of any business on the ground that the <br />meeting is not lawfully called or convened as generally provided under § 19 <br />of these Bylaws. <br />Each part of a meeting conducted by telephone conference call or other <br />electronic means that by law must be open to the public shall be accessible <br />to the public at the location specified in the notice and shall be tape- <br />recorded and documented by written minutes. On conclusion of the <br />meeting, the tape recording and the written minutes of the meeting shall <br />be made available to the public within a reasonable period of time. <br />§ 14. Procedure <br />All meetings of the Board and its committees shall be conducted in <br />accordance with Robert's Rules of order pursuant to statutorily proper <br />notice of meeting posted as provided by law. The Chair at any time may <br />change the order of items to be considered from that set forth in the notice <br />of meeting, provided that all agenda items that require a vote by the Board <br />shall be considered at the meeting for which they have been posted. To <br />the extent procedures prescribed by applicable statutes, the RMA Act or <br />Rules, or these Bylaws conflict with Robert's Rules of Order, the statutes, <br />the RMA Rules, or these Bylaws shall govern. <br />§ 15. Executive committee <br />The Authority shall establish an Executive Committee, consisting of the <br />officers of the Authority as identified in § 20, and such other members as <br />the Chair may direct. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be <br />Adopted April 9, 2008 8 <br />Revisions: June 7, 2012; February 15, 2018 <br />
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