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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 13, 2024 <br />Page 6 <br />A Motion to approve this item was made by Council Member Norment and seconded by <br />Council Member Kessel. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />22. Discuss hiring and retaining of Paris Police Officers and provide direction to Staff. <br />Mayor Pankaj said Council Member Norment placed this item on the agenda. She said <br />she realized there was great effort to hire and retain police officers. She also said she asked for <br />this to be placed on the agenda to show support for Mr. Path in raising the salaries of the <br />policemen and try to get it in this years' budget. Council Member Norment said this had been an <br />ongoing issue and good strides had been made toward this issue but with the climate, she thought <br />it was important to have good quality police officers on the City's force. She said the City did <br />not have enough officers to respond to some of the minor issues, and had heard this several times <br />from her constituents. Council Member Norment said she wanted to show the City Manager <br />support and she thought the entire Council supported the police and City Staff. She said if ok, <br />she wanted to inquire of Chief Salter how many officers had been hired and lost in the last several <br />years. Chief Salter reported that since January 2022 through that day, the department had gained <br />thirteen officers and lost seventeen officers. He also said two more officers were hired and would <br />be going to the academy. Chief Salter said the department was still down three officers and if <br />they could get the pay rate up, the department's attrition rate would go down. <br />Mr. Path said he really appreciated Council Member Norment bringing this forward and <br />they had some conversations about this. He referenced a memo he sent to Council late last week <br />and stated that he had been working on salaries over the last four years. He also said he would <br />have done more if he could have. Mr. Path said he and Chief Salter had some ideas how to get <br />ahead of the City's competition, and he was excited to bring those to Council in a couple of <br />months. He also said Staff was working on the budget in May, that he would dig into it in June <br />and have it balanced by July. Mr. Path explained that he planned to have the budget back to <br />Council in late July or early August to help them to take that next step in trying to combat this <br />issue. Mr. Path expressed appreciation to Council for their show of support and stated that every <br />year salaries of employees had been costly. Mr. Path said that over the last several years, several <br />million dollars across the board had been added for employees but they were not done yet. He <br />emphasized that the only thing holding it back was the budget constraints but he was trying to <br />stretch as for as he could. <br />Mayor Pankaj said he was excited that Mr. Path was looking into this and he knew it was <br />something that Council wanted to do for first responders, who put their lives on the line each and <br />every day. He said if there was a way they could figure out how to compensate the police officers <br />that would help with this issue, and that he believed the Council all agreed on that. He expressed <br />appreciation to Council Member Norment for bringing this forward. <br />Mayor Pro -Tem Savage said it was his understanding that the Council wanted this to be <br />impactful because the City was competing with the school districts and Lamar County. He also <br />said the pay was comparable but if he were a police officer he would go to Lamar County or the <br />school districts, because the threat for your life goes down and money was about the same. <br />Mayor Pro -Tem Savage said he thought what the Council was saying was they want this to be a <br />
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