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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FOR <br />TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE TIRZ BOARD <br />PARIS TEXAS <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 107 E. KAUFMAN ST PARIS TEXAS <br />THURSDAY MAY_91 2024 <br />3:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />Members present: Cody Head, Chairman; Rob Vine, Vice Chairman; <br />Maureen Hammond, and Thomas McMonigle <br />City Staff: Grayson Path, City Manager; Stephanie Harris, City <br />Attorney; and Skylar Unger, Deputy City Clerk <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Chairman Cody Head called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. <br />2. Citizens' input. <br />No one came forward for citizens' input. <br />3. Approve minutes from the meeting on April 11, 2024. <br />A Motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Mr. McMonigle and seconded <br />by Ms. Hammond. Motion carried 4 ayes — 0 nays. <br />4. Fill the office of Secretary for the Board. <br />Ms. Hammond made a Motion to nominate Thomas McMonigle to serve as the board <br />Secretary, Motion was seconded by Mr. Vine. Motion carried 4 ayes — 0 nays. Thomas <br />McMonigle was appointed to serve as Secretary. <br />Receive presentation on TIRZ and the TIRZ Statute (Tex. Tax Code Ch. 311) from a <br />representative of the Office of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. <br />Frank Alvarez from the Office of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts gave a detailed <br />presentation of the Texas Tax Code Chapter 311, specifically regarding TIRZ. Mr. Alvarez <br />then answered questions from the board. <br />6. Discuss, provide direction to staff, and possibly take action regarding strategies for <br />reviewing and possibly amending the Project and Financing Plans for TIRZ No. 1, <br />including but not limited to authorizing the retention of a consultant to assist the Board <br />with same. (A Motion to remove this item from the table is required before deliberating.) <br />A Motion to remove this item from the table was made by Ms. Hammond and seconded by <br />Mr. Vine. Motion carried 4 ayes — 0 nays. <br />