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Regular Council Meeting <br />June 24, 2024 <br />Page 3 <br />increasing the amount by $25,628.00 to be funded by the City from Paris Texas <br />Pickleball. <br />IL Authorize the expenditure of TIRZ Funds for the May 9, 2024, Texas Comptroller Office <br />presentation in the amount of $87.27. <br />12. Approve a Maintenance Agreement with Moonlighting, Inc. in the amount of $10,000.00 <br />for the maintenance of the plaza tree lights, with the term dates of October 1, 2023 to <br />September 31; and authorize the City Manager to sign. <br />13. Approve a Water Meter Replacement Agreement with JB & L Utility Contractors in an <br />amount not to exceed $48,000.00; and authorize the City Manager to sign. <br />Re pular Agenda <br />14. Discuss and act on RESOLUTION NO. 2024-030: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, INITIATING THE DISANNEXATION <br />PROCESS FOR FOUR PARCELS OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON OR AROUND <br />COUNTY ROAD 22500 (LCAD#S 71112, 71113, 70422, AND 70423) WITHIN THE <br />CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PARIS AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />REGARDING SAME; MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED <br />TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Deputy City Manager Robert Vine said that Nexus Renewable Power, LLC ("Nexus") <br />on behalf of Robert Moore, the property owner, had submitted a petition to disannex four parcels <br />of property located west of Paris, and parts of the property were inside the City. He also said that <br />Nexus had leased the parcels from Mr. Moore as part of the MRG good Solar Project. Mr. Vine <br />reported that the primary issue with disannexation of the proposed area as far as the City was <br />concerned was loss of potential property tax revenue. Mr. Vine explained the estimated taxes <br />on the parcels for the next 30 years was estimated between $307,267.00 and $768,167.00. He <br />said that Nexus had proposed entering into an agreement where the City could disannex the <br />property and Nexus would pay an agreed sum of three installments beginning 30 days after <br />disannexation and ending 30 days after beginning of operations, anticipated to be in December <br />of 2025. He also said in addition to, or in lieu of a portion of agreed upon taxes, Nexus was also <br />open to developing of the proposed extension of the Trail de Paris that runs through the property. <br />Mr. Vine reported that Nexus had estimated the 2026 taxable value of parcels after installation <br />of the Project at $15,800,000.00 and depreciating to $3,713,000.00 by year ten. <br />City Attorney Stephanie Harris reviewed the timeline should Council wish to undertake <br />disannexation proceedings with respect to this property. <br />Saragon Daniel spoke on behalf of the Project. He said they bought the land in 2012, <br />and had developed solar all over Texas. He said the agreement they were proposing to the City, <br />would keep the City tax revenue neutral. Mr. Daniel answered questions from City Council about <br />benefits of disannexation, distance from other property owners, liability insurance and benefits <br />to Chisum ISD. <br />