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ouo:ari:a <br />S TEXAS <br />—n ir/�il/��"�.,.P�^6oP6PP�9�I�;.'Klh�flll Vk�$�+P-REUIi f:�,/1'u"1°P+BYII�.i Y4l8�la <br />Discuss and Consider A royal of the March 19 2024 Meetin Minutes <br />Chairman Bray presented the March 19, 2024, meeting minutes for review and discussion. <br />Mr. Fendley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Dr. Hashmi seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Discuss and Consider A royal of the March 2024 Financial Statements, <br />Secretary and Treasurer Chase Coleman presented the financial reports ending March 31, 2024. Total <br />assets were reported to be $10,074,651. Total liabilities were reported to be $2,184,051, leaving the <br />PEDC with a total net position of $7,890,600. Mr. Coleman continued with the income statement for the <br />month of March, citing the reported total revenue as $169,785. <br />Mr. Coleman proceeded by presenting total expenditures and net income for the month. He concluded <br />this portion of the report by stating that there were no extraordinary expenses for March and that sales <br />tax and interest collection continued to be ahead of budget. <br />Mr. Coleman opened the floor to questions regarding the March financial report. Dr. Hashmi asked a <br />question regarding the increase in the total net position. Mr. Coleman provided response, stating that <br />the net position of the PEDC continues to increase as more revenue is earned. There were no further <br />questions. <br />Mr. Bray took a motion to approve the March financial report. Dr. Hashmi made a motion to approve <br />the financial report as presented. Mr. Terrell seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 7 -ayes to 0 -nays <br />Discuss and Consider Finalizin a Date for the Board and Staff Planning Session <br />Chairman Bray reported that after discussions with members of the PEDC Board, July 12, 2024, from <br />11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. was agreed to be the best available time for all members. <br />Mr. Bray opened the floor to questions regarding the planning session. There were no questions. <br />Re oort and Updates bV Executive Director Maureen Hammond <br />NW Industrial Park EDA Grant: Ms. Hammond reported that J&L Paving had begun removing topsoil for <br />an extension from 34th St NW to J. Eagan St. Ms. Hammond noted that while weather continues to cause <br />delays, construction is still on schedule to conclude in September 2024. <br />Paris Housin Market Anal sis: Ms. Hammond_ reminded the board that the City of Paris engaged <br />Catalyst Commercial to perform a housing analysis. She noted that this analysis should be finalized by <br />the end of April. <br />TIRZ Zone 1: Ms. Hammond reported that during a previous TIRZ meeting in March, the Advisory Board <br />requested to hold an educational workshop that would be open to the public. Ms. Hammond noted that <br />this workshop has been scheduled for May 9, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. and will be conducted by the <br />Comptroller's office. Ms. Hammond continued, stating that the Advisory Board had requested to begin <br />the process of engaging a consultant, however, that process has been postponed until after the <br />aforementioned educational workshop. Ms. Hammond concluded by noting that Brandon Bell had <br />resigned from the TIRZ advisory board and that his position was currently open. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />MEAWWWR <br />