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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FOR <br />TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE (TIRZ) BOARD <br />PARIS, TEXAS <br />CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 107 E. KAUFMAN ST, PARIS TEXAS <br />THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024 <br />3:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />Members present: Cody Head, Chairman; Rob Vine, Vice Chairman; <br />Thomas McMonigle, Secretary; and Maureen <br />Hammond <br />City Staff: Grayson Path, City Manager; Stephanie Harris, City <br />Attorney; Skylar Unger, Deputy City Clerk; Osei <br />Amo-Mensah, Director of Planning and Community <br />Development; and Cheri Bedford, Main Street <br />Coordinator <br />1. Call meeting to order. <br />Chairman Cody Head called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. <br />2. Citizens' input. <br />No one came forward for citizens' input. <br />3. Approve minutes from the meeting on May 9, 2024. <br />A Motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Ms. Hammond and seconded <br />by Mr. Vine. Motion carried 4 ayes — 0 nays. <br />4. Authorize reimbursement to Frank Alvarez for the 5/9/24 TIRZ presentation in the amount <br />of $87.27. <br />A motion to approve the reimbursement to Frank Alvarez for $87.27 was made by Mr. <br />Vine and seconded by Mr. McMonigle. Motion carried 4 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Receive update from and provide direction to staff regarding authorizing the retention of a <br />consultant to assist the Board with strategies for reviewing and possibly amending the <br />Project and Financing Plans for TIRZ No. 1. <br />City Manager, Grayson Path stated that he, the City Attorney, and the Board Chairman all <br />attempted to contact other cities, consultants, etc., to try and obtain a sample RFP/RFQ, <br />however none have been forthcoming as of this point. As part of this search, Catalyst <br />Commercial, the City's Housing Assessment Consultant who also does TIRZ work, was <br />approached with the question of whether they had any sample RFP/RFQ documents they <br />could share. This led to a conversation between Catalyst Commercial, Cody Head, Rob <br />Vine, Osei Amo-Mensah and Grayson Path where Catalyst advised that until we know <br />exactly how we wish to amend our documents, it will be difficult to identify a scope of <br />service for an RFP. In addition, they advised that the work we are looking to do (amending <br />the plan) is administrative and should not come with a high cost. They stated that much of <br />