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Special Joint Meeting <br />July 11, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />Interim City Manager introduced Chris and Dawn from Catalyst who presented the housing <br />study and made recommendations. Included in their presentation was the process and the status <br />now, which consisted of lack of housing, blight and code violations, lack of growth, rental <br />concentration and new construction in the county. They said they established eight smaller <br />analysis areas and did a driving tour of neighborhoods while taking a physical inventory of <br />neighborhood health factors. They presented demographics, the labor market, housing economics, <br />history of development activity which included eight neighborhood units reflecting a demographic <br />snapshot of each unit. They recommended better neighborhood health, long-term rental <br />registration program and a short-term rental program. <br />Mayor Pankaj inquired where people could find the results. Mr. Vine said the results were <br />on the City's website. Clifton Fendley said this was good information. Mayor Pankaj said it was <br />great to have this project completed. <br />5. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, Mayor Pankaj adjourned the City Council at 6:26 p.m. <br />and Chairman Fendley adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission at 6:26 p.m. <br />MIHIR PANKAJ <br />SKYLAR UNGER, DEPUTY CITY CLERK <br />