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MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS <br />July 29, 2024 <br />The City Council of the City of Paris met for a special session at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, <br />July 29, 2024, at the City Council Chamber, 107 E. Kaufman, Paris, Texas. <br />Present: Mayor: Mihir Pankaj <br />Mayor Pro -Tem: Gary Savage <br />Council Members: Mickey Ellis, Rebecca Norment, and Rudy Kessel <br />City Staff: Rob Vine, Interim City Manager; Stephanie Harris, <br />City Attorney; Janice Ellis, City Clerk; Gene <br />Anderson, Finance Director; Osei Amo-Mensah, <br />City Planner; Sandy Collar, HR Director; and <br />Clyde Crews, Fire Marshal <br />Absent: Council Members: Shatara Moore and Alix Putnam <br />Call meeting to order. <br />Mayor Pankaj called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. <br />2. Citizens' Forum. <br />No one spoke during Citizens' Forum. <br />3. Receive a presentation from Baker Tilly Advisory Group, LP regarding executive search <br />services. <br />Interim City Manager Rob Vine introduced Director Patty Heminover of Baker Tilly. <br />Ms. Heminover gave a presentation about the company, which included an introduction of the <br />team and their services. She said that Edward Williams would be the lead. Next, Ms. Heminover <br />went over the approach, the process overview, search process, launching of a marketing <br />campaign and the recruitment process. She said they would advertise for about a month and <br />provided a weekly update to the City Council. She said one additional add-on was a survey of <br />citizens. Ms. Heminover also reviewed prospective candidate sources, diversity recruitment and <br />explained their support continued through negotiation to closing. <br />Mayor Pro -Tem Savage inquired the duration of the process. Ms. Heminover said it <br />usually took four months from start to finish. Mayor Pro -Tem Savage asked how long the <br />advertisement would remain open. Ms. Heminover said for thirty days unless the City wished <br />to move quicker and in that case it would be for three weeks. She asked them to keep in mind <br />they might not get as many quality candidates if the advertisement was left out for only three <br />weeks. Council Member Kessel inquired about the community survey and said he was in favor <br />of doing that. Ms. Heminover said they could begin building that right away and keep it out <br />