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Paris Public Library Advisory Board <br />06/12/2024 <br />M eeti ng M i n utes <br />I. Call to Order: <br />The regular meeting of the Paris Public Library Advisory Board was called to <br />order by Chairman Steve Hellmann at 5:01 p.m. Lacking a quorum, the meeting <br />began with reports until a quorum could be reached, and then officially began. <br />Board members present were Steve Hellmann, DeEtte Cobb, and Jennifer <br />Cullum, with Kelvin Hicks arriving to complete the quorum. Also present were <br />Library Director Connie Lawman, Deputy City Manager Rob Vine and Friends of <br />the Library representative Jeannie Walter. <br />II. Citizen's Forum: <br />No citizens addressed the board. <br />III. Approval: The minutes of the May 15th, 2024 board meeting was approved with <br />no corrections. DeEtte Cobb made the motion to approve, with Kelvin Hicks <br />providing the second. <br />IV. New Business: <br />a. Strategic Goals <br />The board was presented with color copies of the notes written on the <br />chalkboard in previous meetings, listing the thoughts from the Advisory <br />Board regarding strategic planning. Stevetookthose notes and then created <br />a Strategic Plan Ideation Summary and a Strategic Plan draft. The board <br />discussed the documents and how to proceed forward. <br />Steve asked if after reviewing the strategic plan, the items listed were what <br />the board saw as important forthe library in the next 5 years. He suggested <br />that forthe July meeting, the board discuss longterm and short-term items <br />from the list and to create a score card for how to prioritize. <br />DeEtte asked about a rural library outreach. Connie responded, stating that <br />she would begin within the city limits. DeEtte responded, noting that the <br />rural areas are important. Connie stated that the library plans to have a <br />partnership with Paris ISD's mobile library. Connie also mentioned the <br />possibilityofhaving bookdropsin ruralareas,for residentswhocould not <br />easily make it to the library. Jeannie asked if this was done in other areas, to <br />which Connie said yes, in many places. <br />