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08-26-2024 Agenda Packet
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08-26-2024 Agenda Packet
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Regular Council Meeting <br />August 12, 2024 <br />Page 5 <br />19. Receive presentation from the Interim City Manager and Finance Director, discuss and <br />provide direction on the FY 2024-2025 Budget for the City of Paris. <br />Interim City Manager and Finance Director Gene Anderson presented the proposed FY <br />2024/2025 Budget. Mr. Vine said the budget message was sent to the Council last week and <br />tonight they would hear a summary of the budget message. Mr. Vine reviewed the property tax <br />rate, balance of operational funds, the financial policy, and priorities with police department pay <br />increases being number one. Council Member Norment said she would like to see police pay <br />higher than $66,000.00. Mayor Pro -Tem Savage, Council Member Ellis and Council Member <br />Putnam agreed. Council Member Kessel inquired what that would do to the budget. Finance <br />Director Gene Anderson said it would roughly add about 25% to the department budget if they <br />increased the salaries to $70,000.00. He also said there were 14 vacant positions. Mr. Anderson <br />said they might have to do the de-minimis tax rate which was allowed for cities with a population <br />under 30,000. He reported this would raise $500,000.00 and would not have to go an election. <br />He explained that the voter approval rate would amount to only about half of that. Mr. Anderson <br />said he had gone over the budget several times and there were not enough expenditures to cut to <br />reach $500,000.00. Council Member Kessel wanted to know how fast they could get the 14 <br />positions filled. Chief Salter said he thought they could get five or six police officers hired next <br />year. He also said candidates had to take the civil service exam which slows the process down. <br />Mayor Pro -Tem Savage wanted to know if Council increased the police pay to $70,000.00 if that <br />would create a budget problem. Mr. Anderson said if Council did the de-minimis tax rate, that <br />he thought that would not be a problem. <br />Next, Mr. Vine touched on the other priorities, which included the City Council Strategic <br />Plan, the Wastewater Treatment Plan/Utility Rates/Property Tax Levy, Employee Pay and <br />Benefits, Rising Costs, Capital Projects and Purchases, Reclassification of Current Employees, <br />Maintaining Operational Services, Texas Property Tax Reform and Transparency, and the Street <br />Mill and Overlay Project. Mr. Vine reviewed proposed adjustments in FY 2024-2025 budget, <br />fire apparatus replacement, replacement programs for police cars and EMS ambulances. Mr. <br />Vine also reviewed the breakdown of all revenues, a breakdown of all expenditures, capital <br />outlay and departmental budgets. City Council Members expressed a desire to review some of <br />the department budgets more in depth and discussed having budget workshops. <br />City Clerk Janice Ellis outlined the budget calendar timeline and said if Council wanted <br />to schedule budget workshops, they would need to do so the following week because of the <br />timeline. She said if the second budget workshop was not needed, it would be easy to cancel but <br />more difficult to schedule because of the required 72 hours' notice. It was a consensus of City <br />Council to schedule budget workshops for Monday, August 19d' and Thursday, August 22nd <br />21. Discuss and act on three appointments to the Traffic Commission and one appointment <br />to the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />Ms. Ellis said appointments were made on July 8' but there were remaining vacancies <br />and that staff re -advertised. She also said additional appointments were made on July 22"d but <br />there were still remaining vacancies. Ms. Ellis said that Staff re -advertised again, as well as <br />called applicants who applied for other boards and were not appointed. Ms. Ellis reported that <br />
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