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S'T IE X A 5 <br />'E wI..d1PMi N'V' *:'.N:" nPOPA V'"ON <br />200 -acre site at SW Industrial Park <br />• No onsite sewer is available. <br />• Rehabilitation and construction of a new rail system is required. <br />• An existing blue -line stream flows north to south through the property. The property is not <br />considered a FEMA floodplain; however, the property is a USACE jurisdiction for wetlands and <br />waters. A USACE permit is achievable for certain uses. <br />123 -acre site on SE Loop 286 <br />• Nearest water line is a 6 inch line northwest of the site. The nearest 10 inch water line is east of <br />the property, at the intersection of Loop 286 and Collegiate Drive. <br />• No onsite sewer is available. <br />• Timeframe for the implementation by TxDOT of a 4 -lane expansion to Loop 286 South is <br />potentially 10 or more years. <br />• Initial utility costs for water and sewage are expected to be significant. <br />PEDC Board Member Roundtable and Discussion <br />Ms. Hammond continued with a point of discussion involving the challenges of Cox Field Airport. She <br />noted that while the most valuable asset of the airport is the availability of land, its lack of infrastructure <br />continues to be a challenge. Ms. Hammond provided an example, stating that the PEDC was unable to <br />submit on a recent request for information due to the lack of infrastructure and length of its primary <br />runway. She further explained that the timeframe to secure approval from the FAA to proceed with <br />infrastructure improvements is approximately three years. Mr. Bray reiterated Hammond's remarks <br />stating that infrastructure improvements and FAA approval is a critical need in preparing the land for <br />potential industries. Mr. Homer asked a question regarding the steps needed to begin the approval <br />process. Mr. Vine provided response, stating that a master plan to extend the runway would need to be <br />drafted prior to the submittal for FAA approval. Mr. Roddy provided commentary, noting that <br />infrastructure improvements to the property should be the primary focus. Mr. Roddy asked a question <br />regarding the ability to connect water lines to the City of Reno's water supply. Mr. Harris provided <br />response, explaining that water lines connected to the Lamar County Water Supply currently surround <br />the property. <br />Dr. Hashmi continued with another point of discussion involving the percentage of sales tax revenue the <br />PEDC receives. He noted that an additional quarter cent of sales tax revenue would allow the PEDC to <br />continue its core mission and allow for improvements for potential industries, in light of the <br />organization's current financial constraints. Mr. Fendley added that it could also be designated to <br />acquiring land either by the City or PEDC for industrial use or be allocated to the prioritization of PEDC <br />industrial projects and improvements. Mr. Bray added that improvements to the highways and signage <br />leading into the city of Paris are also needed to increase the city's appeal to potential industries. <br />Mr. Bray asked Mr. Pankaj to facilitate a discussion with the Paris City Council about the potential <br />reallocation of tax dollars and to reconvene with the PEDC Board at a later date. In response, Mr. Pankaj <br />agreed to begin discussions with the council and coordinate a joint meeting. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />