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7. Receive update from and provide direction to staff regarding authorizing the retention of a consultant to <br />assist the Board with strategies for reviewing and possibly amending the Project and Financing Plans for <br />TIRZ No. 1. <br />Director of Planning and Community Development, Osei Amo-Mensah, stated that the sub -committee <br />had met twice and went over the list of consultants. Of the 8 consultant groups who were contacted, 2 <br />responded; Forked Pine Consulting and Capex Consulting Group. Forked Pine Consulting has submitted <br />a Comprehensive Proposal, and the committee is still waiting on a Comprehensive Proposal from Capex <br />Consulting Group. Chairman Head stated that he hoped to present the proposals to the Board at the next <br />meeting and act if possible. Mr. Mathieu inquired whether a scope was included with the proposals, and <br />Ms. Hammond replied that a general scope was provided. Chairman Head stated that he felt it would be <br />beneficial to send the proposals to all of the board members when they are received. Mr. Amo-Mensah. <br />said he would send them to each member. Ms. Hammond stated that both groups that responded are <br />more than capable of completing the requested scope and that she was encouraged. <br />8. Discuss and possibly act on changing the meeting time for board meetings. <br />Chairman Head said he brought this item before the Board after being approached by citizens who wanted <br />to attend the meetings. He noted that, as a board responsible for overseeing taxpayer funds, they should <br />not schedule meetings earlier than 4:00 P.M. to accommodate more citizen involvement. Ms. Hammond <br />and Mr. Hayter recommended 4:00 as the new meeting time and the rest of the Board members agreed. <br />A Motion to move the meeting time for board meetings from 3:00 to 4:00 was made by Ms. Norwood and <br />seconded by Ms. Hammond. Motion carried 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />9. Request future agenda items. <br />Mr. Hayter inquired about the adoption of the new Bylaws and whether the TIRZ board had to adopt them <br />separately. After following up with City Attorney, Stephanie Harris, it was determined that the TIRZ board <br />did not need to adopt the new Bylaws because the City Council had already done so. <br />Mr. Hayter also inquired about larger maps of each sub -zone. Deputy City Clerk, Skylar Unger, stated <br />that she could provide that information and would forward it to the board. <br />10. Adjournment. <br />There being no further business, Chairman Head adjourned the meeting at 3:12 P.M. <br />Miles Mathieu, Vice Chairman <br />Page 2 of' 2 <br />