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Regular Council Meeting <br />September 9, 2024 <br />Page 5 <br />disannexations from the City Attorney and this was the first time a company had requested for <br />disannexation from the City, and that she was not in favor of it. Council Member Putnam asked <br />Council to make sure to ear mark the $400,000.00 the company was paying to the City, if the <br />disannexation was approved so that the funds did not get lost. Mayor Pankaj said he was also <br />pro-business, and was in favor of this disannexation. <br />Subject to the disannexation agreement being executed by Nexus, a Motion to approve <br />this item was made by Council Member Moore and seconded by Council Member Kessel. <br />Motion carried, 4 ayes — 2 nays, with Council Members Norment and Putnam casting the <br />dissenting votes. <br />15. Discuss downtown trash ordinance, and provide direction to staff. <br />Mayor Pankaj said Council Member Norment placed this item on the agenda. Council <br />Member Norment said she understood that the City did not have an Ordinance addressing the <br />trash and trash bins downtown, and there was a lot of growth downtown. Mayor Pankaj said <br />they needed to take steps to make downtown beautiful and asked how Council wanted to move <br />forward. Council Member Norment suggested they form a committee and Council Member <br />Putnam volunteered to serve on the committee. Council Member Norment also suggested they <br />ask volunteers from the Paris Downtown Association. Mayor Pankaj said they may want to <br />involve Main Street Coordinator Cheri Bedford with regard to possibly doing a survey. <br />16. Receive presentation about a PEG Channel, discuss and provide direction to City Staff. <br />Public Information Officer Jon McFadden explained that prior to 2005, Texas cities could <br />issue franchise agreements to wire -based cable television. He said subsequently Senate Bill 5 <br />created Chapter 66 of the Texas Utilities Code, providing a State issued cable and void franchise <br />agreement and ending local CATV franchises. Mr. McFadden explained that Chapter 66 <br />addressed Public, Educational Government (PEG) channels provided on a CATV system, and <br />Municipal PEG channels offered televised meetings, videos about services, emergency <br />information and bulletin board content. Mr. McFadden reported that after Chapter 66 took effect <br />and existing local franchise agreements expired, Texas cities could choose to accept a 1 % PEG <br />and Paris chose to do so. Mr. McFadden explained capital costs for operation of a PEG channel, <br />and that the City must utilize the channel for at least eight hours daily, or the cable system could <br />reclaim the channel for other programming. He said there was no cost for the use of a channel <br />for PEG programming. Mr. McFadden reported that as of September 3, 2024, the PEG fund <br />contained $865,231. Mr. McFadden said the PEG channel would improve the City's ability to <br />share information with citizens, particularly adults 65 and up. He said a PEG channel would be <br />another tool for sharing information and could reach many people who were not internet or social <br />media users. He also said equipment purchased for PEG could be used for other purposes when <br />not in use for PEG programming. <br />It was a consensus of City Council that Mr. McFadden move forward with establishing <br />a PEG Channel and bringing back a channel use agreement. <br />
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